View Full Version : Head Trouble

29-12-10, 12:28
Hi all,

First time poster here. I was diagnosed with Health Anxiety past year but have been suffering from it most of my life. I was doing ok with it until a couple of weeks ago when I was struck down with flu, I've not felt right since. The main symptom I have at the moment is really bothering me and I'm terrified. It's a strange feeling in my head, sort of like a tightness or a squeezing, I have had this since about Christmas Eve and it is interrupting my sleep. I'm also feeling very fatigued and my legs can feel pretty weak.

I have a doctors appointment today and I might bite the bullet and ask for medication but I was just wondering whether anyone else had felt like this?

Thanks for reading

29-12-10, 17:49
On my own then? Haha.

Been to see my doctor and he clearly wasn't worried as he didn't even examine me. He has referred me to a psychologist though, hopefully that'll help.

29-12-10, 18:12
hi hun i was wantin\g to let u know that i also suffer with the same tightness in head like someone is sqezzeing my head it gets real bad...ive had this on and off for couple of years ive been to doc alot for it had ct scan on head all came back clear its so sceary....if u need to talk hun write back or send me a pm tc hope u feel better soon

29-12-10, 18:13
Sometimes doctors seem useless! No examination? I think if they know you suffer from anxiety, they sometimes just blame every physical thing on anxiety.Anyway, i too have terrible "head pressure feelings" and goes right into my ears. Nasty feeling. Tight muscles in neck jaw and shoulders is the cause ( i am told). always trying to loosen muscles in my neck! apparrently very common for anxiety sufferers.

29-12-10, 18:52
Yeah, I was pretty surprised there was no examination. There is always the presumption that it's just health anxiety, doesn't really do much to put my mind at rest. It's still causing me some anxiety, but he's asked me to go back to see him in two weeks.

I also get regular spots on my head, which can be quite painful. Does anyone get these little raised lumps on your scalp?

29-12-10, 19:24
I get this sometimes along with tension headaches either when I'm tired or stressed. They're not nice at all! Hope you feel better soon :)

29-12-10, 20:36
Hi Carl,
often after colds/flu I get all sorts of wierd sensations in my head. I have found that most of the time this is residual congestion in the sinuses which can last for quite a while, as well as being quite painful! Anxiety just makes it worse as you tense up and cause all sorts of muscle twinges. Maybe try steaming your head, some decongestants and get someone to rub you neck!

29-12-10, 21:05
Thanks everyone, really helpful and reassuring.

30-12-10, 11:29
Sometimes doctors seem useless! No examination? I think if they know you suffer from anxiety, they sometimes just blame every physical thing on anxiety.Anyway, i too have terrible "head pressure feelings" and goes right into my ears. Nasty feeling. Tight muscles in neck jaw and shoulders is the cause ( i am told). always trying to loosen muscles in my neck! apparrently very common for anxiety sufferers.

Thats how I feel too, the pressure is right at the front on my forehead and I have all the aches n pains you mention but try as a might they just don't seem to ever relax!

30-12-10, 12:04
Mine's still here, although it seems to have changed a bit. Seems to be behind my eyes, in my face and on the top of my head. I'm having disturbed sleep so I don't think that's helping.

30-12-10, 12:18

I used to get that all the time but not so often now as I've learnt to ignore it, not dwell on it or worry about is as it made 100% worse. I also try to relax more when I'm doing stuff and not hold myself all tense, especially when I am watching TV or sat on my PC.

Anxiety, stress and the likes cause tension and pressure sensations in your head, as does sitting badly or being all tense (ie not relaxed) as this tenses back, shoulder and neck muscles which have a knock on effect to the head. According to my chiropractor the feeling in you head of like having a tight band round it.. which actually feels more like it's the INSIDE of your head is actually because the small muscles covering the OUTSIDE of the scalp go tight. So it's outside not inside.

As you've recently had flu though you will still feel a bit naff as it can take quite a few weeks to get over.

Ooooh any worrying about it then makes you more tense, more anxious and it only gets worse.

Try putting some menthol cristals in a bowl of hot water and breath in the mist... you can get them from a chemist (but only use a couple of cristals as they are really strong smelling) that's good for clearing head congestion and also self head massages, deep breating and relaxation to your favourite music too x x

Hope that helps a little xx

30-12-10, 14:21
Thanks Dizz, that does help. I definitely need to learn how to relax, I'm always very tense so it's no wonder I feel the way I do. It's just that my mind runs wild occasionally and that's when I start to lose it a bit. The main thing that bothers me is how anxious it makes me, rather than the actual pressure, it makes me act completely differently and a bit irritable and snappy.

I really struggle with relaxation for some reason though.

30-12-10, 18:26
My lovely fiancée gave me a head massage, I did 20 minutes exercise and just had a bath. I can't say that it's cured me but I'm determined to not lot it ruin my life. I'm off out in a minute for a couple of drinks and a meal (probably not a great idea with the way I'm feeling). Still feeling woozy and a bit off balance and my head still feels a bit tight, as I said trying to not let it bother me but it's proving difficult to say the least.

30-12-10, 19:36
Well I've just felt like collapsing on the way to the pub. This can't be anxiety can it?

31-12-10, 00:36
Yep.. chances are you were so determined to go out and be 'normal' and even you yourself said 'it was probably not a good idea cos if the way you were feeling' that conciously or even subconciously you were worrying about it.

Adrenaline levels would have been right up because of the 'what if' or 'I will' battles and you would have been oversensitied to the whole 'going out' situation without even really realising it...so you therefore you finished up feeling naff.

Horrid eh... but you can overcome it, you just need to switch off and bit by bit it will go away and you will be fine. x x

31-12-10, 01:03
Well you talk a lot of sense :), I was feeling alright until the last 15 minutes before I left the house, but I started panicking almost as soon as the door closed. I talk about it with my friends and they're quite understanding but I was panicky in the pub and was unable to hide it. But I'm back now, I drank a little bit too much (which I'll regret) and we had a meal. We even walked our friend home and I didn't collapse or die once (amazingly). I will regret the alcohol tomorrow but it's only anxiety.

Sorry for boring you all. Happy new year. X

31-12-10, 10:21
I had hardly any sleep last night and feel absolutely terrible, I really don't think I can carry on and be normal. Headache is still there but it's my legs that are worrying me even more today, my calves feel very tight and it's making it difficult to walk about. I really wish my doctors surgery was open as I really need some help. :(

31-12-10, 10:36
I too had the flu 3 weeks ago and it has triggered really bad panic attacks.
I was doing really well up until then as I had only had mild anxiety symtoms for the past 8 months.
I now feel like I'm in a heightened state of anxiety permenantly. Very dizzy, spaced out, fluttery heart beat, trouble breathing and shakey.
Got a doc's appointment this morning see what he says.
Hope you are feeling better soon xxx

31-12-10, 10:49
I've often had this weird head thing over the years. Doctors put it down to various different things like blood pressure, migraines, sinus problems. They never seem too interested because they know I have HA.

Recently when I asked for more investigation I was told that the only way to confirm that it's nothing more serious is by doing a CT scan. In this country that's very expensive and not an option for me.

I was worried about a brain tumor and the doctor reassured me that with something that serious the pressure would be constant and would increase over time. Mine just comes and goes although when it's here it feels awful and the more I worry the worse it feels!!

Something to consider is blocked sinuses as these can cause one to feel pressure and dizziness and it can last for months - even years apparently. I used a natural product and changed my eating habits. I also addressed my anxiety over this problem and in time it's got better and is now completely gone.

31-12-10, 10:57
With blocked sinuses does your nose usually feel blocked up? I have been getting slight face pain but I don't feel blocked. I also grind me teeth in my sleep and tense my jaw, well most of my muscles really. I suppose that could be contributing.

31-12-10, 11:01
No, in fact I didn't even have a cold when I was diagnosed with sinusitis. But I had facial pain especially on my cheek bones and above my eyes. I also had tension pain running from my neck up the back of my head. My anxiety made the the bad head sensations much worse.
I had 6 sessions of accupuncture for anxiety and my immune system and also used a natural product. But I really worked on my anxiety as I know this is what made it all 10 times worse.
Some people suffer with sinusitis for years - facial pain, dizziness, head pressure. But because they're not anxious they can live with it.

31-12-10, 11:41
Thank you Becky, I'll go to the doctors on Monday and see what he says.

31-12-10, 22:34
Just had a sharp stabbing pain, which was very painful, just above my ear on the left hand side. Is this normal does anybody know?

03-01-11, 10:13
I am having the same.

I am on Sertraline for anxiety, I keep getting like lumps/spots on my scalp and have had a constant pain in the right hand side of my head for months. I also have pain down the right hand side of my neck going in to the back of my shoulder. Its painful and gets me panicking I have something wrong;

28-03-11, 23:01
I just had one as well its horrible!