View Full Version : Musical halucinations

29-12-10, 14:42
Hello too everyone sorry for the title it sounds scarey too me aswell. its really been bothering me recently ive had songs playing really loud in my head and its started me panicing again.its hard too describe but it sounds like its comeing from outside me even though its not im not delusional about it its just really freaking me out. my biggest fear is scitzophrenia and im so scared. does anyone else have similar where you can really hear it but know its in your head or am i really cracking up?

30-12-10, 09:38
I take it im cracking up then:weep:

30-12-10, 09:45
I Dom ive not had this for a while but used to get this a lot, used to freak me out, I was the same, I used to hear the tune from my mobile phone too and went to answer it many times but it was just me. I don't know what causes it sorry but I have had it.
Take care

30-12-10, 09:51
Thanks ann its nice too know somones experienced it im so scared that one day ill lose it i know its all in my head at the minute. im just worried that one day i wont im also having constant mind chatter at the mo about stupid things. my head just wont shut up thanks again

30-12-10, 11:37
Dom. Someone told me that everything in your mind is normal. When it comes to thoughts and the inner voice, there is nothing that can be described as out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how that works exactly...
I imagined earlier this year this little tune and I somehow got it in my head that this is the tune that would play constantly in my head until the day I die. For a few days I kept hearing it and when I wanted it to go, it would play louder. Now? I can't even remember what it sounded like!
Mind chatter and fast, rushing, irrational thoughts and stuck tunes are all more prevelent with stress, its a sign you need to give your mind a rest for a while. And it sounds loudly because you are trying to make it be quieter. Its the holidays and thoughts build up in our heads as we have no work to distract us. Try listening to some music or phone some people you know to distract yourself for a bit and see if it goes x

30-12-10, 12:09
Had this loads of times. It's horrible isn't it? You do feel like you're cracking up.

I always presumed this was caused by sleep deprivation, as that can cause hallucinations, but I don't know if I'm right.

Hallucinations don't necessarily mean mental illness, by the way. Lack of sleep, anxiety and even just too much coffee have been shown to cause them. I used to hear voices when I was a child but I've heard that's not even that uncommon in kids.

The difference, I think, is when you become delusional and can't tell the difference between hallucinations and reality.

You can see that line and this is a common symptom so I wouldn't worry about it :)

30-12-10, 12:11
Oh, by the way, when I was a kid I used to find that having a conversation with someone brought me out of the hallucination and made the voices go away. This might work with the music too :D

30-12-10, 15:26
Thankyou so much too all that replied it means alot:)