View Full Version : A very hard day.. but slowly getting through it!

29-12-10, 16:48
Its been such a hard day... and its not over yet!
Think im just writing this for abit of a rant to get it out :ohmy:

It was my first day back at work today since Christmas etc, i always panic at work and today was no different... but it was only a half day so i got through it...

Then i had my best friends little boys 1st birthday party to go too which was just at her house, but it was packed!! and it was sooo hot cos all the doors were closed so he couldnt climb the stairs etc... i panicked like mad and felt awful but smiled myself through it (god knows how!!)

I now feel sooo drained and could just curl up and go to sleep but iv got a wedding recepton tonight, it doesnt start till 8pm and its about 40 minutes drive away.... its gona be another panic time as i already feel very anxious and drained from today.... and then im back at work again in the morning!!

To top it all off we had some very bad news this morning - one of our best friends had a burst anurysm in his stomach and was rushed to hospital during the night - 20% of survival!

I honestly dont know how iv got through the day..... and to think iv got to pick myself up and get through tonight too :scared15:

All i can say is, i hope i sleep tonight!! Sorry for going on.... just feels abit better getting it all out and having the reassurance from people who understand how hard it is to have all these social events to go too and how difficult it is!

If only it was as simple as putting on my coat, putting on a smile and leaving my house for a night time.... :wall: xx

29-12-10, 16:49
*leaving my house for a *nice* time x

paula lynne
29-12-10, 16:54
Phew, thats a lot youve got going on there love!
Well done for surviving work, and the party, kids parties always manic).....

Why dont you go to the reception for an hour, and then go home, theres no need to stay til late, especially with work tomorrow. Youve had a busy day, I bet youll sleep like a log tonight.....

Im sorry about your friend, so many similar stories from nmp members at the moment, I hope everything works out.

Deep breath....youve done great today x (The only exercise I got was my right arm in and out of the Celebration Tin.......)
