View Full Version : Faintness/Dizziness

29-12-10, 19:05
Hi ever since i got a cold on xmas day ive been dizzy and faint all day even when im not feeeling anxious.
at the moment my right hand is also numb and both hands tingly

29-12-10, 19:07
These are all common symptoms of anxiety and you don't need to feel anxious to experience them.

It also sounds like you are not breathing correctly so you should try some abdominal breathing too.

29-12-10, 19:23
i feel faint even when im not anxious and its so severe to.

29-12-10, 19:29
Hi, Perhaps this is a virus. Do you feel the numb and tingly hands are related to the dizziness? as I get those with too much PC use.

29-12-10, 19:31
My head pains started off with a bump on the corner of my head and i would get head zaps. they have gone now.
But the thing that scares me is the feeling in my head (its on top of my head to one side) im scared theres going to be a burst blood clot there or something.

Also my dizziness started the day my cold started (runny nose/cough/sore throat) were my sytopms and pain in my forehead and around my eyes and the back of my head ( still have the headache now) what could it be.

Also i still have the pins and needles and extreme fatigue and weakeness and dizziness. Im still scared because i swalloed washing up liquid yesterday and that flared up my sore throat/cough again and now the headache and dizziness still.

also i woke up hot and sweating for an hour this morning was this extreme anxiety or fever.
also my cold seemed to have got better for 2 days then worse again.
and last night i got really sharp pains at the back of my head that lasted a second each time and every few hours i feel this aswell along with extreme dizziness/faint feeling at the moment. which is worrying me so much.

29-12-10, 19:38
What did you bump your head on? I think the dizziness is likely to be caused by your virus and also the sweating, the extreme fatigue, i get that too, but i think its to be expected at this time of year as visitors etc. make more demands on our energy and we are already depleted because of the cold time of year. The head pains you are describing are probably blocked sinus and just the head pains you can get with a cold or going outside and letting your head get cold, no hat etc.??

29-12-10, 19:42
Ive had two concussions this year, thats why i now have HA. the 1st time i got hit on the head by a giant stone and the 2nd time i bumped into a a hard steel lampost so hard i felt like id knocked my self out.

29-12-10, 19:43
this is were my fear of brain inguries come from as i was convinced i had suffered bleeiding of the brain from my inguries.
Ive also banged the back of my head this year aswell

29-12-10, 19:44
Also ive only been sweating for 15 mins the morning (havnt been swaeting at any other time in the last 6 days)

29-12-10, 20:28
i just took some painkillers and my dad saw me take them and he said "your mother is the one that needs them not you, you just worry to much" really gets to me and makes me feel even worse.

29-12-10, 20:35
I think your Dad is right, you do worry too much, all us anxiety sufferers do. I'm suffering from a tension headache, dizziness and fatigue at the moment, have done for the last 4 or 5 days but I'm trying to convince myself it's just anxiety.

You don't have to feel anxious to suffer the symptoms, but the symptoms do cause anxiety.

29-12-10, 20:39
Thanks its just ive never had dizziness like this before... its so bad but im going to try and have a bath or something.

29-12-10, 20:42
and the pains in my chest are back now :'( oh well im off for a little while to try and relax. :)

29-12-10, 20:48
one more thing, the dizziness seems to get worse when i stand up? what does this mean

29-12-10, 20:58
Are you eating enough or getting enough sugar? Anxiety can drain sugar reserves and cause you to feel dizzy etc. You could try an apple or a chocolate bar.

29-12-10, 21:15
Dizziness that is worse when you stand up or adjust your position could be postural hypotension, ie low blood pressure. Did you go to your GP or Accident and Emergency after you were hit on the head with this large stone and how long ago was this?

29-12-10, 21:24
It happened 6 months ago, i went to A and E three times and my gp Once and they all thought i was fine and didnt need a CT scan. I saw 3 nurses and 4 doctors so they cant all be wrong lol.

29-12-10, 21:32
also i just got a really sharp pain at the base of my head near my neck so worried.
Ive also had loads of little bumps to the head this year haha. :\

29-12-10, 21:54
I think you are fine but have a virus and this is causing symptoms and making you worry that it is more serious and thinking back to your head injury.

29-12-10, 22:00
thanks but i dont think i have a virus anymore. i dont have any smpytoms of one anymore but im still so dizzy and feel like i want to cry lol

29-12-10, 22:08
You did say you had a cold on Christmas Day, which is still likely to be lingering a bit as its just a few days ago. Did you knock your head again recently? If so, its maybe best to call NHS 24 or make a GP appointment.

29-12-10, 22:30
also i keep getting weird sharp head pains everywere in my head and a constant headache ahhh my mum thinks im fine. also i just felt a pain in my cheek to

29-12-10, 22:31
I havnt banged it recently but ive been hit on the head lightly with a book by someone :\ i had an eye test two months ago and havnt had a major bang to it since. I think im off to see my GP tommorow just to put my mind at rest.

29-12-10, 22:34
Ok thats fine hope you get on well.

29-12-10, 22:36
thank you :)

30-12-10, 12:27
also for the last two morning ive woken up and whilst doing normal morning stuff like doing my hair and getting dressed ive been sweating so badly. it calms down once im sitting down though. I still feel dizzy all the time aswell and still have a headache/ head pains.

macc noodle
30-12-10, 13:33

Have you made a docs appointment yet? I would like to be that you have got one of these horrible viruses doing the rounds and the symptoms have sparked of HA and panic attacks with you.

Go get a check up - you may have an ear infection which would cause head pain and dizziness and you may need antibiotics.

You will be fine, just go and get some reassurance

30-12-10, 13:39
Hi know i havnt made a docs app. yet. My mum is going to see the doctor in a couple of hours though. I cant make one without going down there in person because shes just being horrible today aswell. She keeps shouting at me "snap out of it or there send you to some mental place"
I dont feel as if i have cold/flu though :\

30-12-10, 13:50
she also said "do you know how silly you would sound to the doctor"....

30-12-10, 15:09
I've suffered Dizziness on and off for 5 years....it's always worse when I get a cold or flu. Whilst it can be scary, try not to stress too much about it. I know it's easier said than done but because I've had it for so long I tend to think that it hasn't harmed me so far, so it can't be too bad.

macc noodle
30-12-10, 18:22
Hun I have looked at your posts over the last few days and I would say that you DO need to tell someone how you are feeling so that you can take ownership and get this sorted.

It is very hard for loved ones to accept when someone feels the way you do and it is a normal response to try and get them to snap out of it or to tell them not to be so silly. And, yes, when we are feeling better, it does all sound rather silly and we can deal with the sensations much better but when you feel as bad as you do at the moment, you do need some support.

I would just like to reiterate to you (having read your reply to another NMP'er about heart attacks), that you are recovering I would guess from a virus and that this has made your anxiety and panic issues feel worse than usual. This constant worry about one thing and then the next must be exhausting for you and you are therefore not letting your body rest and recuperate from the original virus.

Please do make an appointment to see the doctor, and go and discuss how you feel. Your mum really must not know how bad you feel otherwise I am sure that she would be taking you to the docs herself to try and get this sorted.

Take care


30-12-10, 18:33
Thank you. I told my mum and dad how i felt. The reason my mum thinks its all anxiety now and wont take me to the docs is because ive been there 20 times in 2 months and seen all the doctors there and not one can find anything wrong with me.
I am on the waiting list for counessling. :D
I just saw my GP about 3 hours ago and he explained to me about anerysum/stroke which helped a lot.
The XMAS holidays have set my anxiety off again as i have more time to think about it and this cold has set me back to.
I hope to feel better soon when i return to college next week :)
Hope your feeling well to.