View Full Version : Temperature fluctuations

29-12-10, 19:14
Does anyone else get them? In the morning, it's usually 97.5 to 97.7, and gets to about 98.3 midday. At night sometimes though is when it scares me. At 3am last night, it got as low as 96.1. Weird thing was besides being really sleepy, I was not cold or shivering at all. All taken with a digital thermometer via the mouth.

Should edit, those are Faraenheit, not Celcius lol

29-12-10, 20:15
The normal human body temperature range is:

Mouth - 33.2–38.2 °C (92–101 °F)
Rectal - 34.4–37.8 °C (94–100 °F)
Ear - 35.4–37.8 °C (96–100 °F)
Armpit - 35.5–37.0 °C (96–99 °F)

From what ive read its quite common with anxiety for temperature to go up and down.

Going home
29-12-10, 20:39
Hi Jess, I don't know your age but am assuming you aren't in the menopause or coming up to it as this can make body temperature fluctuate, it also happens commonly around ovulation etc. Can I ask why do you take your temperature so often...have you had a bad experience of something like an infection or illness in the past?

Anna x

29-12-10, 21:24
It's perfectly normal for your temperature to fluctuate during the day, it's part of the circadian rhythm. Your temperatures all seem within normal ranges, so try not to worry. Between three and four am human body temperature is typically at it's lowest.

30-12-10, 00:35
Hi Jess, I don't know your age but am assuming you aren't in the menopause or coming up to it as this can make body temperature fluctuate, it also happens commonly around ovulation etc. Can I ask why do you take your temperature so often...have you had a bad experience of something like an infection or illness in the past?

Anna x

I take it because I am compelled to by my hypochondria. I am also 25. I should really hide the damn thermometer from myself :wacko:

30-12-10, 01:55
I used to b the same jess with both my temperature and blood pressure.i used to do my bp so much that i have ended up with slight nerve damage in my left arm :weep: