View Full Version : Vitamin B advice or herbal

29-12-10, 19:31
I am feeling particularly anxious at the moment and was trying to read through some of the articles on the left of the homepage. I came across a bit that mentioned vitamin b. Does anyone have any suggestions of a vitamin b supplement that covers all the vitamin b groups. At the moment im willing to give anything a go. Herbal remedies are something else ive been looking into, but cannot take st johns wort for medical reasons. I have tried calms which worked for a little while when i was less anxious than i am now. I refuse to take anti-depressents from the doctor as ive had bad experiences with them before. So any feedback on anything youve tried and found helpful would be great. Thanks

29-12-10, 20:27
Don't take anything without the approval of your doc first, but i have found a mix of catnip and lemonbalm tea to be very effective at relazing anxiety.

30-12-10, 20:55
Many including myself find Natracalm as well as Quiet Life and Kalms very helpful. Also you might find the Bach Rescue Remedy helpful for a "quick fix"
All are Herbal remedies available from Boots,Holland and Barret etc
Hope you find something that helps

30-12-10, 21:21
I too want to try herbal remedies really do not want to take anti depressents because of the side effects. I have tried Kalms and sprays from the supermarket but known have worked.
I was advised today in the health food shop to take 5-HTP. I have not heard of this before but I bought some and will give it a go. When I googled it there were alot of positive articles on here.
Will let you know how I get on xx

30-12-10, 22:41
Bach flower rescue remedies are wonderful..i use white chestnut and rock rose xx