View Full Version : Being Jealous.

29-12-10, 22:03
Hi all,

Not sure where to put this. Don't you just hate being jealous of other people. It's been popping up a lot in my brain, which is making me feel a bit sad at the moment.

What do you do to stop being jealous and that.

Anita. XX.

29-12-10, 22:09
What are you jealous of?

29-12-10, 22:10
Hmm. Tough one!

I get a bit jealous of my 2 best friends sometimes cuz they're so care free, ones engaged with her own house and the other just parties and has fun 24/7!

When I start getting jealous I just stop looking at what I havn't got/feel like I can't do and appriciate what I have got! Loving family, 2 best friends that go out their way to stay in contact and still do things with me even though I'm a grumpy anxious person lately! There's always something you can think of. :)

Anyway, nobodies life is perfect no matter how perfect it seems from the outside. Everybody has problems and worries and nobody is ever 100% happy. xx

29-12-10, 22:37
i get really jealous of people who seem to have no problems i know everybody does have there own issues but all my friends are so laid back it feels hard to relate to them anymore.

30-12-10, 22:02
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your replies. Jealous of hmmm most things at the moment, ranging from babies, to people enjoying themselves like going out and things, finding shoes just like that, people owning their own home etc silly things like that and just people being happy.

Just can't help it at the moment.

