View Full Version : will need help

23-03-06, 18:46
I have had a hard decision to make moving my 2 children to another school for lots of reasons for the better I should say.
I have a son with non diag aspergers who doesnt cope with change very well.
I am dreading it, I will break the news in a few months time.
Hope my nerves will cope.

24-03-06, 11:47
Hi Opal,

You have a hard decision to make. Your son needs a lot of reassurance and im sure if you feel you would all gain from the move in the long run, it could actually work out to be a possitive move for your son.

Try to focus on what would be gained, and not so much on the negative.

im sure whatever you decide will work out for the best for you all.

Take care


" knowing and regarding reality as it is, one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint." - the book of Buddism

24-03-06, 11:57
hey manda is right,i wish you every success with the move.think of it as a blank canvas,you can paint the picture YOU WANT TO!Weare all here to support you .love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

24-03-06, 14:50
September is the time the kids will be moving schools everything sorted.
Just going to visit in June and break the news to then. So it will not be any more time to worry.
I will try and keep positive.