View Full Version : emets help me.

29-12-10, 23:16
okay, i feel really really sick, earlier something repeated on my at the back of my throat and it tasted like sick, if you get what i mean, iv'e felt sick ever since then, my tummy is making weird noises, and feels like something is moving in my tummy :(
ive not bin near anyone who has had the bug only my bestfriend, seeying as its the school holidays, i dont have a temperature but worrying very badly, any advice, help me! :weep::unsure:

31-12-10, 01:26
Sorry ur going through this I know exactly how u feel since I'm an emet too... Just try to calm down and take ur mind off of it... Do u have any meds that u can take that might help u right now?

31-12-10, 01:46
am also emet......... and i find the more we dwell on it the worse we feel i was like this earlier on kept feeling horrible/off/dodgey but in the end i ignored it and it went away but right now am suffering with extreme acid reflux and my symptn is NAUSEA not good for an emet..
you need to relax take your mind of it as if you was going to be sick well it would of well been here by now its just al the negative thinking RELAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

10-01-11, 17:12
I am the worst for this :( And constant nausea is part of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder I have :( . Try some breathing excersises? Keep sipping water, rub your tummy, rest, keep yourself occupied to take your mind off it. I'm not quite sure what else because I'm exactly the same. I'm feeling sick at this moment actually!

Aisha Georgiou

Martin Burridge
10-01-11, 17:26
Specific phobias like emetphobia usually respond well to any therapy that uses systematic desensitisation like CBT or hypnotherapy.

The success rates are high and often its just a few sessions.

11-01-11, 01:38
i have been bad past few days 3 of my 4 kids have been sent home from school a day apart from each other with high temps and just feeling unwell (no sick) and the temp has only lasted one day............ so why am i freaking out ????