View Full Version : Hitting the sales tomorrow!!! A little reassurance please!

30-12-10, 01:06
Well! I have agreed with my mum that tomorrow I will go into the town centre with her and do some sale shopping! To be honest, right now I am absolutely terrified! I am considered "agoraphobic", or was, but I am now getting myself out and about, slowly but surely! So for me, tomorrow will be a big deal. I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety, and am so worried that the shops will be really busy, really noisy (a lot of noise really makes me anxious!!), I will feel really panicky and everyone will stare, etc. I was just wondering if anyone had any reassurance to offer, anyone had survived the sales??? Or even anything I could do or think to try and feel a bit calmer! Thanks!

30-12-10, 01:12
Hi Emma,

I used to suffer from agrophobia aswell for quite a long time. I hated crowded areas, I used to start to feel dizzy, have a fast heart rate, etc etc.

To get my self through it, I forced my self into intense situations like that, and the more I did it, the more I got used to busy environments and now I don't have any agrophobia.

You will be fine tomorrow, even if you do feel panicky, just remind your self that it's anxiety and remind your self that the anxious feeling will soon pass.

Enjoy yourself!



30-12-10, 01:39
I'm feeling the same now. I don't suffer full blown agoraphobia but have phases were I can't go out.

Usually I tell myself all the nice things I "need" as chances are this would be my first attempt at the town in a month or something. That pushes me on and I get through it and I can come home and be as anxious as I like.

Worst thing you can do is worry the night before. I sometimes avoided things that way but if you do, take a step back and try next week. Keep telling yourself you "need" to go to the sales or you won't get all the bargains.

Just try and stay in the situation. During my recovery I'd run to the toilet which I think helps but battling it my old therapist use to say don't do that. But if you have not been out in a while do all you can to not let anxiety spoil your day. :)

mr badger
30-12-10, 11:34
Frequent breaks, keep hydrated and set yourself a time limit. Manage the situation (and maybe your Mum) so the situation doesn't manage you.

30-12-10, 20:40
Thanks for the replies guys! I didn't end up going today, didn't feel well, so am now going tomorrow! Wish I'd been able 2 get it over and done with today, but ah well! These things happen. I will make sure I take a bottle of water with me, and I don't think we will be staying more than an hour or two. Will report on how it goes!

30-12-10, 20:59
Good luck Emma, try and buy something nice for yourself as a real treat, even if its only a small something.

Your mum will be there to support you - hope it goes well and look forward to hearing how you get onxxxx

02-01-11, 00:05
Hi! This is the first time I've managed 2 get online, but I survived the sales!!!! At first it was bad, really bad. Just walking through Glasgow before even getting 2 the shops there were so many people and such a lot of noise. It was new year's eve, so there were bagpipers and drummers etc, I honestly felt like standing with my hands over my ears (I didn't lol), and the people! Geesh there were so many, and although I know they weren't, my irrational brain was telling me that they were all heading straight for me. Anyway, I managed 3 shops, and bought 2 tops, woohoo! Had 2 leave a shop as it was incredibly busy, but pretty chuffed that I managed the 3 :)


02-01-11, 11:16
Well done Emma - that's a big achievement :hugs:

02-01-11, 23:26
Hi! This is the first time I've managed 2 get online, but I survived the sales!!!! At first it was bad, really bad. Just walking through Glasgow before even getting 2 the shops there were so many people and such a lot of noise. It was new year's eve, so there were bagpipers and drummers etc, I honestly felt like standing with my hands over my ears (I didn't lol), and the people! Geesh there were so many, and although I know they weren't, my irrational brain was telling me that they were all heading straight for me. Anyway, I managed 3 shops, and bought 2 tops, woohoo! Had 2 leave a shop as it was incredibly busy, but pretty chuffed that I managed the 3 :)


Awww well done hun. Im glad that you managed to do it and get some things.

03-01-11, 00:36
Thank u :)