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30-12-10, 10:43
For past 3 months every night when I go to bed and relax to sleep i get a sensation like I have been given a very nasty shock - it shoots in a wave up from my middle to my head and I feel as if I am falling for a second and then I get about 6 thudding heart beats. On good nights it will only happen about 5 times and I go to sleep but some nights it takes me hours and last two night I have had no sleep at all as it just won't stop doing it.
I am a wreck.
I had this for a few weeks back in march and my Dr did a 24hr urine test to rule out an adrenal tumour which was great. I have also had a 24hr ecg done while it was doing it and other than my usual ectopics nothing abnormal showed. I am getting a 3 wk event monitor that I can put on myself today if i feel anything heartwise.
I have appt with my Dr again this afternoon but they seem flummoxed - if nothing else I want some sleeping pills so that I can at least get the occasional nights sleep.
I am also going to ask about my thryoid as I have taken thryoxine for over 20 yrs but my blood results this year have been not normal for me as I tend to run in middle of range and this past year I have been nearer the overactive end.
I know other people on here have said they get this but has anyone had it as bad as I am at moment??? I am so miserable and depressed -dreading going to bed and so so tired from lack of sleep:weep::weep::weep:

30-12-10, 11:05
Hey there.
Sorry your having a rough time. I have been here myself which is actually what lead me to this site. It does get better especially if you keep using this place and the comfort from other users. I remember the feeling of terror as night fell and thinking of going to bed! Even walking past the room during the day brought on distress but the sooner you accept that this is something you ate going through at this time and it is ok you are not alone, you will let go of the fear attached to it. Have you read dr Claire weekes book? I highly recommend it, I dot think I could have recovered drug free without it!
Hang in there ;-)

30-12-10, 12:12
Hi countrygirl!

I too have a rather dodgy thyroid and I get really bad ectopics and strange chest sensations when I'm over medicated with levothyroxine. A few months ago when my ectopics were really bad I was having a horrible time with anxiety my gp did my thyroid bloods and realised that I'd slipped into the overactive range he said this explained all my problems he lowered my dose by 25mcg and I havent had any major ectopic feelings since just the odd one especially when it's near that time of the month! My anxiety has also been reduced significantly!


30-12-10, 17:27
Saw my Gp this afternoon - he tried hard to reassure me that I don't have an adrenal tumour causing the adrenaline surges when I am falling asleep - I had the nhs 24hr urine test which was negative but I then read that it is 84% not 100% so am now worrying that I am in that 16% who get false negatives!! He said I would have alot more symptoms than I am and he is certain its not a tumour. AS I had this problem for a few months 9 yrs ago he said it won't be anything serious. He said it tends to be something that causes a big problem for about 6 months then can do away for years. He agreed about my thyroxine as he said my thryoxine level in the blood is near top end of normal so he has suggested that I lower my dose from 125mcg a day to 100mcg for 6 weeks then have a retest to see what level I am at. having lost half a stone in two weeks reducing my thyroxine was his first thought.

He agreed to give me 14 sleeping tablets but said I could not keep getting presc for them - he said if I go back no better then he will send me to an endocrinologist although he said it was unlikely they would find a cause but they may be able to put my mind at rest re adrenal tumour.

I have collected my cardio monitoring device today and GP said when I get the adrenaline surge in bed to moniter it with the device so that the cardio can see what is happening. I have the device for three weeks and it takes a full 12 lead 1 minute ecg , it is a square little box and you press it hard to your chest and press the button and it records for a full minute you have to keep very still and it makes a bleeping noise so not what you want to do in public. It takes 20 full ecgs and I can go back and get another 20 if I use then up in the three weeks. She said to use it as much as i can but most times I just feel a single ectopic so can't get the box to my chest in time. I will be able to record the adrenaline surge in bed as I can lay the box on my chest and wait for it to happen then press the button! it will at least get some of it if not all.

I am terrified of going to bed tonight even with the sleeping tablets - what if they don't work and I have yet another sleepless night. I know that the more I worry and panic the worse it will be but how to get into the don't care frame of mind???

30-12-10, 17:36
Hi countrygirl,

This thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=86267) was about something similar. If you think it could be that, have a read of RLR’s reply near the end – he gives a very good explanation.

Hope this helps :)

macc noodle
30-12-10, 17:42
Hi countrygirl

Sounds like you are taking real steps to try and get to the bottom of this - which is great.

Have you tried any relaxation techniques before bedtime to try and alleviate the panic or does this just make you worse? Sometimes they work for me and sometimes they don't - depends on my frame of mind!

Anyhow, here are a few things that help me sometimes:-
- a nice warm bubbly bath with the radio playing away in the background and a really easy to read magazine to flick through
- a lovely lettuce sandwich (true - it releases serotonins honest!)
- a warming mug of hot chocolate
- a nice foot spa followed by a little footcream and some nice new nail polish!

Some of them may sound daft but sometimes it is just the most ordinary of things that can relax you and help with the bedtime routine.

Hope you get some sleep tonight.

30-12-10, 19:54
Thanks both - Nigel I do not get any actual physical movement with it its purely internal so no hynic jerks as such but I think it all comes under same heading whether you move or not.

Macc - I will try very hard tonight to relax and not get in panic at bedtime - I will try hot chocolate - must admit I am crosseyed with tiredness now. I think I will give it an hour or so after I go to bed and if not asleep will succumb to the sleeping tablet fingers crossed.

A few weeks ago when I had had yet another sleepless night a friend gave me the sleeping pill beginning with a K but it left me with horrible taste in my mouth most of next day and I felt really spaced out but it did at least get me some sleep- my Dr prefers temazepam so have got that not sure its as effective though.

30-12-10, 22:16
I get exactly this when im suffering from panic/anxiety..exactly to a tee how you described it..i end up going downstairs and sitting bolt upright as its the clonking heartbeat after that scares me..but am aware it is more common now..i have to say ive found bach rescue remedy night a great help for relaxing me and helping me to finally nod off..ive got into the vicious cycle again of the fear of my lovely bedroom and bed after probs before and need to get over that once more x