View Full Version : :(in a state, please help

30-12-10, 12:56
i am on 30mg of citalopram and am currently having cbt but from uni services so not over the christmas break

i broke up with my boyfriend at the beginning of december as i suddenly lost all feeling, no sexual enjoyment etc which i put down to the citalopram, so told him i just wanted to wait until it was all sorted out and i was myself again

then i selfishly met someone else quite quickly and realised it wasnt due to the pills, i just didnt have feelings for him anymore. i love him, but not in that way

the other night he found out about the new guy and now he said he can never speak to me again. it is stressing me out so much because i didnt want to hurt him like that and its eating me away.

so heart fluttering all day, constant tears, nausea.. the thing that scares me is i was initially being treated for health anxiety but now it seems to have subsided into anxiety and i dont give a **** about myself anymore, i have been drinking and smoking again and i am worried i will be back into drugs sometime soon.

anything will be appreciated xxxxx

31-12-10, 17:45
Dont feel too guilty. You ended the one relationship before starting another. i also have GAD ( 12yrs) and its having a negative effect on my marriage. My sex life of which there is little or none and I am anxious that maybe I dont feel sexually attracted to him any more. Weve been together 13yrs ! its a dilema.

anyway enough about me as I said already try not to be to harsh on yourself. Write it all down in a letter and give it to your ex. That way there is no comfrontation youve said what needed to be said and you both are saved from the emotion- allowing him to read it in his own time.

I hope this helps