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30-12-10, 13:17
Hi All,

Happy I found this forum, just reading through some of the posts I see a scarily similar pattern in my behaviour...

I will give you a brief run down -

I've run my own company for the past 4 years from a young age (before my 20's it started) we did well and got to the stage of turning over 10million GBP really stable and successful. We had a break in at our premises and all our stock was stolen, not insured meant we didnt receive money back and we had to stop trading. During this period obvious anxiety kicked in (guess it had always been there though) and I lost lots of weight and slept even less...anyway long story short I have been given a second chance and in the new year have the resources to try the business again..

However...during this time I have begun feeling extreme anxiety...mainly dizzyness from the moment I wake up... I wake up each day and open my eyes slowly hoping it has gone. My Memory is non existent, can't remember a thing and easily find things overwhelming. Also spacing out and losing focus and feeling 'out of touch' of who I am.

I have had big bust ups with my girlfriend who is supporting me and my friends who also stood by me.

The main issue for me is the dizziness...I keep thinking it is not anxiety related as it is constantly there and my 'fog' is also...however from reading some of your stories I see that it may be....

Basically before this I was such a happy, confident person in all walks of life, always a 'cando' person, very upbeat...Right now I've got to the stage I'm staying in the flat loads on my own and not going out for days...acting as if thats normal, but like now when I have something to do I'm finding it too much to go get on a bus and go into 2 shops...I'm going on holiday tomorrow for 7 days to a hot country in hope that relaxing will clear this and I will get back to my old self...cause I worry how long I will be allowed to be 'ill' for before it majorly effects my work / life relationships.

I been doctors and he has reffered me to counseuling saying that tabs are possibly not the answer as they can open up there own problems... tbh I just want this to go away and be the old me....

Any advice, suggestions, anyone know where I'm coming from? Will this ever go away?! I need it to...at least the dizzy thing...it is horrible.. :(


eternally optimistic
30-12-10, 14:10
Hi Timer

You have had a bad time recently but good to hear you may get a second crack at the business in the new year - i wish you well with that.

All your symptoms sound like anxiety, but have you been to see your GP.

Hope the holiday does you some good and best wishes for the future.

30-12-10, 14:24
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for response - yes I have decided it is anxiety, I been to GP and he has said counselling to learn to handle it will be the best thing.

Any one have any tips on the dizzy and concentration parts? The dizzy spells are what stops me doing stuff, stops me getting on buses / tubes / going in shops etc

Any other replies would be much appreciated!

30-12-10, 15:14
hey hun the dizzyness is very common in anx i suffer from dizzyness to were i have to hold on to the wal when trying to walk....and when iam setting down i feel like iam on a boat and .....i aslo get montion sickeness when the dizzness gets bad ......sorry ur are feeling so bad hun but yes anx can do this ...tc

30-12-10, 15:22
OK - so its down to the anxiety which we all suffer from. But is there anything we can do about it?

Anxiety is in the brain so beat that and you beat the dizziness? Don't think about the dizziness and it goes? Is there anyone who had the dizzy spells and then managed to get rid of them? What did that take? also the feeling of being detached...does that shake off and I will be able to focus again?

OR do I have to accept the fact I have dizziness and a 'foggy-head' forever now? :(

I know anxiety is deeper rooted and may be down to other things, but I'm willing to fight it and get rid of it, but I need to know what to do :(

I know theres no 'answer' but maybe if people can relay what they do or what has worked for them?