View Full Version : I want to stop taking my meds

23-03-06, 19:47
I was looking for some advice from you guys, suffered severe anxiety since my son was born ( now 3) 18 months after he was born finally persuaded to take meds, cipralex had mainly health anxiety was dead scared of meds as im sure you can relate to! Over the last 18 months since taking it feel a lot better to the point where i want to stop it to try for another baby - madness some may say but my life has been on hold for long enough. I currently take 10mg my thoughts were to start taking 5mg for a week or two and then stop it, but since reading others stories on the site this seems way to quick! unless I want severe withdrawl symptoms, suddenly become scared of stopping it, but do you think as scared of the withrawl symptoms still must be anxious therefore not ready to stop it! if you follow what I'm saying. Would be really grateful for your opinions on whether think I'm ready to stop, and if so the best way to do it, will ask GP but he's very unconcerened about things and you guys at least understand my fears and thoughts i hope[8D]

23-03-06, 20:14
Hi Lynn The best person to advise you would be your GP...as you are aware you need to do it very slowly over a period of time.

I'm not medical so i wouldn't even begin to advise you.

Good luck, i wish you well.


25-03-06, 09:56
As said, talk to a DR who actually undeerstands meds (not many seem to) and ask them but I would reccommend coming off as slow as you can if you decid to come off them (even cutting tabs a bit with a knife etc to get even smaller amounts off them) to come off as slow as poss.

But yes talk to Dr.


Learning to under react

25-03-06, 10:16
Hi Lynn,

I was on cipralex too last year for about 8 months. My first attempt to stop was a complete disaster where I had a bit of a strop decided I was sick of relying on tabs and flushed them all down the sink!!...NOT a good idea, I lasted 5 days and then had to go and ask for another prescription and admit what I'd done.

Anyway I went from 20mg to 10mg for about a month and now my GP has prescribed 5mg, I've gradually cut down from one every day to alternate days and now I'm on day 10 without one ( the longest ever).

Not everyone suffers discontinuation symptoms though, you may be absolutely fine. You should still discuss it with your GP, preferably one who understands (mine doesnt really believe in side effects etc), and ask their opinion on whether now is the right time to come off them.

Hope it goes well whatever you decide.

Take care

25-03-06, 14:33
Hi Lyn
My partner and I put a post on here yesterday about our method of cutting down dosage of pills gradually which may or may not be of interest and help to you.
To be honest my Doctor was worse than useless but that does not mean yours will be. As someone else on here suggested try and talk to a Doctor who has some sympathy, understanding and knowledge of withdrawal. It is important though to be totally sure you are ready to come off the pills and the only way to know that is to talk to the Doctor.
Best of luck, take care and I so hope all goes well for you whatever you decide to do.
Jenny xx

25-03-06, 22:28
Thanks for all your advice everyone I will go and see my Dr next week but your advice I really appriciate as its straight from the horses mouth ! (or whatever the saying is)

Thanks again :D