View Full Version : Hoping for some feedback

30-12-10, 14:19

I have been battling some issues since the late teens. Low selfesteem, mild social phobia and perhaps also mild asbergers. I've learned to cope over the years but I've never really been happy over long periods of time.

I had a relationship to a girl this year, who i believe was a sociapath, which pushed me over the edge. I got more depressed than usual and went to the doctor who prescribed 40mg citalopram. I quit after 2 weeks because i was scared of the drug and also tried a psychiatrist, but that wasnt for me.

So i decided to try citalopram (20mg) again and stick with it. Allready i feel a little difference. The internal negative chatterbox isn't as loud as usual.

Side effects are so far delayed orgasm and strong sleeping problems. I wake up around 3 and can't go back to sleep which ruins my day. Just hope that i can sleep like a baby soon. I always had trouble sleeping though :weep:

Was it the right thing to do?

30-12-10, 14:25
I've always suffered with insomonia but found Citalopram made me drowsy and sleepy hence why I take it in the evenings.

The best thing to do is your happy is to speak to your dr as they are the best people to speak to. I was a nervous wreck a month ago when I first starting taking these tabs but now feel much more relaxed. Tearful and anxious at times. But I feel the meds have rele helped me snap out of certain traits ie making my life abit more bearable x

30-12-10, 14:25
Hello, and well done for posting. I'm glad to hear that the citalopram is helping. I've been on it for just over four weeks. I've been doing great on it but the past few days have been hard as I'm also doing CBT and finding the journalling my feelings and thoughts quite tough.

However, you will be the only person to know if it is the right thing to do but for me it was the best decision along with the CBT. Maybe you should try a therapist too in helping with your road to recovery?

Good luck and we are all here to listen.

30-12-10, 14:40
How long have you been on 20mg Cit? It can take up to 8 weeks to settle so do hang on in there. I am on week 9 of 20mg, first 2 weeks were tough but the anxiety has practically gone, I still get low moods first thing so may go to 30mg but overall, I am glad I went on it.

30-12-10, 14:46
escocesa: I tried therapy but that wasnt for me. Didnt help at all. I just got told what i allready knew.

heavenly: Been on 20mg cit for 4 days only. Sleep disorder is the worst side effect.

30-12-10, 14:52
escocesa: I tried therapy but that wasnt for me. Didnt help at all. I just got told what i allready knew.

heavenly: Been on 20mg cit for 4 days only. Sleep disorder is the worst side effect.

Its still early days, my sleep was affected for the first 2 weeks, then it settled. It needs time to settle into your system, hang in there.

03-01-11, 09:11
7 days into cit. I'm much calmer, but also feel like i dont care about much. Stlll wake up around 3am but am able fall back to sleep. Haven't been able to sleep till early noon since my teens :yesyes: