View Full Version : Anyone tried 5-HTP

30-12-10, 17:33
Getting really fed up with feeling in a state of panic constantly!

In town today yet again feeling light headed, palpitations, diffculty breathing etc etc

Ended up in the Health Food shop where a lady recommended 5-HTP. I have never heard of this.

Has anyone on here ever tried it?? Reasearched it on the internet and found some quite encouraging articles.

Back at the doctors tomorrow really do not want to go on SSRI's cause of side effects. Would like to find a more natural remedy.

Help please!!:ohmy:

30-12-10, 19:27
i have taken 5-htp and found it worked really well... I felt very calm and assume it was the 5 htp. Not sure what all went wrong ( cannot remember) but after some huge menapause problems with severe anxiety i ended up on paxil. big mistake as far as i am concerned. You cannot take 5 htp with paxil or any ssri. I fully intend to wean off paxil and if needed , i will take 5htp again. I should have listened to the naturaopath lady instead of the doctor at emerg. Live and learn i guess. Good for you for researching instead of making a hasty decision! ( that is the lesson i learned!)