View Full Version : in two minds....

30-12-10, 19:26
Hi All.

I'm writing this as I dont really know what to do. :lac:

I'm reducing my meds and hopefully coming off them. Despite having withdrawal symptoms, I'm finding everything hard to cope, everyhting is coming back to me.

I go to work on tuesday and I dread it. Every wednesday and friday throughout Jan, feb and march I will working lates. So along side working 9-5 I'm also doing 6.30-9.30. plus every 3rd or 4th tuesday. :scared15:

I go in to chat room and I wanna help people but like this I just dont think I can. I feel like I'm ignoring people so I'm in two minds whether to still use it or not.....?:lac:

Nikk xxxx :hugs:

31-12-10, 06:23
Hi Nikk,

Good luck coming off the meds.

That is a lot of hours you are working and your own issues will need time and attention as well. If you feel up to it and manage to find time to help others, well done you. Make the decission on a daily basis.

Happy new year! You take care.

31-12-10, 11:27
Coming of meds when you have so much going on would honestly make me think twice about it .You will need a stress free period to do this sucessfully .Winter is not the best time to come off medication ..You must do what is right for you and if that means not being able to help others so much ,,so be it .Im sure everyone you know will understand and support you through this .Don put added pressure on yourself and look after you .There will be plenty of time to help others when you feel ok .Do get plenty of sleep and remember ,everything passes .If you feel you dont feel as good as youd like ,wait until you feel better before you reduce again .Theres no point in rushing things ,it can be counterproductive ..tAKE CARE of yourself and good luck luv Sue xx:hugs:

31-12-10, 15:34
Coming off meds is no joke Nikk. If you feel it's the right thing to do and have the support of your doc, then you need to put yourself first - difficult and selfish as that may sound. Don't hide yourself away but make time for yourself without the added pressure of pleasing others.

I hope you're tapering slowly? If you find it difficult to cope then step up the dose slightly - basically, give your body plenty of time to adjust.

Good luck and remember - NO MORE creepy crawly pets pffft BB has already submitted 10 complaints :lac: