View Full Version : new to this forum

30-12-10, 20:09
Hi there,

I am new to this forum as of today, and must admit I am relatively new to panic attacks and anxiety too.

I recently went to my doctor as I was having panic attacks every couple of weeks, as well as what felt like severe depression and a general feeling of anxiety and being out of control of my emotions.

I have had this a lot over the years, coupled with insomnia and doctors have always told me to just take herbal remedies, so I was relieved when my new doctor was actually taking an interest and I was actually diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

She gave me beta blockers (propranalol 80mg) and some sleeping tablets and referred me to a resident psychiatrist at the Priory clinic in London. The beta blockers made me feel strange though, almost spaced out and detached. The psychiatrist thought that 80mg of propranalol was too high and changed the dosage to 20mg a day, and prescriped a drug called Flupentixol (0.5mg) which I was to take twice a day. I spent my days in a strange place, feeling really spacey, like my head was filled with cotton wool and feeling like I was battling to connect to my own thoughts (sorry if that's a weird description, i dont know how else to describe it)...

I started feeling better after 3 weeks though and decided to stop taking all medication thinking I had well and truly beaten this. I felt more clear headed and fine, but unfortunately the panic attacks returned on 23 December and haven't left. I spend every day feeling like I am on the brink of having another one and feel anxious, nervous and generally depressed. I have immense fear that this is never going to leave me and Im going to be like this forever.

I have started my medication again, and wont be just stopping (im sure when I see the psychiatrist on 4 Jan he will tell me the same thing)... Like I say I am new to all of this and this is the first time I have even done some research. Up until now I thought I was unique so it is some relief to know Im not alone.

I am starting CBT therapy early january, and Im hoping it will help. Im wondering if a) I actually need anti-depressants and if I do whether b) it should be something other than flupentixol - I cannot spend my days in a haze - especially not with my job.

I have days where I feel quite trapped by this, I feel very out of control of my emotions and thoughts. It's awful.

Thank you for starting this website though, reading it, I could relate to most things and its good to know there are others going through the same thing.

Sorry - this is a really long post.


30-12-10, 20:10
Hi Ashiebee

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
30-12-10, 21:00
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x