View Full Version : Hi Just Joined...

30-12-10, 22:05
After googling different sites for hours i came across here and reading through the health anxiety page i wanted to cry as its totally me..and thank heavens there is a forum here too..hope i can help some people and gain some support too.
I had my first panic attack in April 2010..my friend died suddenly of a blood clot on the lung..we weren't close but she was only 42..2 days later i went from being a fairly calm rational person to thinking i couldnt breathe and was dying..if it could happen to her it could happen to me..right..i got steadily worse and felt totally detatched and alone with my thoughts..my wonderful husband was supportive..but i felt alone in it all..i love my husband and children and became utterly convinced either i was going to die or my husband was(he works away mon to fri sometimes on oil rigs)..went to see my gp who was very supportive..put me on peroxetine(sp) which within 48 hours had brought me out in awful hives..stopped taking them..i had been terrifed of taking them due to poss side affects and it confirmed my worst fears with side effects..over the summer i felt a lot better yet constantly felt on 'high alert' for some illness or other..my biggest fear is cancer and i had paranoia for moles i have or any bumps..causing anxiety and panic for anything up to a few days..discovered bach rescue remedy which really helped to take the edge of things..felt wonderful up to xmas day night..had started taking assorted multivitamins which i thought would help me be fitter and healthier..but seems i had a reaction to them..causing palpatations..well that sent me sky rocketing and been on mega high alert since then..convinced having a heart attack..dizziness and more than anything very very tearful..feel like a bad wife as my hubby is on his big break from work and he has a very quiet,tearful..irritated wife who cant actually tell him whats exactly the matter as i know i will sound crazy...:weep: x

30-12-10, 22:09
Hi mrsflowers1975

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
01-01-11, 04:25
Hello mrsflowers......Happy New Year xx
Petra x:flowers:

paula lynne
01-01-11, 10:57
Hi Mrsflowers, welcome to a great supportive site. A lot of what you write sounds like me! Youll find lots of help and advice here and make some good friends along the way x:welcome:

01-01-11, 11:30
Hi Mrs Flowers and welcome

Tell your husband-it does help and in my opinion needs to be done or else it’s just something else you are bottling up. My wife was aware of my anxiety but I never involved her until I had my last attack and then I let it all out and it helped no end.
Meds are a minefield and don’t take them so hard for me to comment but citalopram is generally the med of choice but they all tend to have side effects and ‘settling’ periods.
Can also relate to the reason your HA started because mind set in after my daughter was very ill for a long period, all I can say is therapy helped me more than anything, they make you mind think more rationally.
Vitamins! I take vit B complex and no other. I have heard from several sources that ‘cocktails’ of drugs/vits are not good for you so maybe try to rationalize your intake.
Take care :)

01-01-11, 16:57
Hello Mrs Flowers. Welcome to the forum. Hope the support and advice on here will help you.

01-01-11, 17:25
Hi Mrs Flowers,
I only joined a couple of weeks ago, and have found this site to be a great help. I read your post then read it out to my husband in tears. I had to read it to him as it was so similar to how I feel.
I am a nurse and have seen many people die and suffer which is where my health anxiety comes from I think. As you say in your post, many people die too young, which I have convinced myself will be me. I have a couple of health problems but they are actually not life threatening but I have convinced myself I won't grow to old age.
I know my anxiety is ruining my life. I have had and am still having counselling and started on amitryptelline 3 weeks ago after telling myself for over a year that I would have such bad side effects. I had been given sertraline 2 years ago for low mood whch made me feel so ill I ended up in A&E with fast heartrate and palpitations. I am currently off work (I am always off sick) with anxiety. I struggle in public places and in places that I know I'm at no risk like picking my son up from school and the hairdressers.
I was feeling better over xmas probably because i felt safe with everyone around but I'm due to return to work on Wednesday and my Husband is back to work and the kids are back to school....so I'm left with my thoughts.
I understand exactly how you feel, so I hope that will help you a little way....you are not going mad, we are like thousands of others here....we are just going through a difficult time but we CAN beat this, Michelle x