View Full Version : cant cope anymore

30-12-10, 22:21
I have convinced that I am dyig since august last year and I just can't cope anymore, I have 2 small babies and I just no I am going to not see them grow up, I feel like a terrible mum . I have a fear of skin cancer at the moment and have had my moles checked out and all ok. But I feel as though I keep noticing other freckles that my husband says have always been there but I am questioning that they have. I just can't stop inspecting my skin and if I see a dark brown freckle I am convinced its cancer and it wasn't there before!! I just can't be like this anymore, I may as well be bloody dead than living like this , I just want to be with my babies so much

30-12-10, 22:31
Huge huge hugs hun..this is one of the things in the broad spectrum of my illnesses that im convinced im going to get..i love my husband and kids so much and am terrified of dying and leaving them behind..its totally controlling over my life..makes me cry far too much..and im constantly looking for things to confirm what i think is going to happen..
you arent alone on this xx

30-12-10, 22:48
Hi Bexy,

Awww, I know it is hard to believe there is no immediate danger, but if your moles have been checked out and they are all ok, that should give you peace of mind that you do not have skin cancer! Your hubby says he knows of the other freckles on your body, you should trust him :-) I would give you a hug right now as I know how horrible it is to live with the worry day in day out, but try and relax a bit, and let go of the fear little by little as there is no evidence to support it will happen to you, just get hubby to give you a big hug and enjoy your gorgeous little babies! xxx

31-12-10, 01:10
If you've been checked out then you don't need to worry. I had two moles removed a few years back as a precaution and I've spent far too long in the sun over the years. I was checked recently and still ok. The doctors know what to look for and they don't take any chances. I know it's hard but stop worrying :winks:

31-12-10, 01:41
If everything has been diagnosed to be fine, then that should be a mega relief for you. Make some tea, get a warm shower and schedule a good night sleep to relax all those tensed nerves. I know how you feel. I suffer from panic/anxiety and depersonalization daily.:hugs: