View Full Version : I tried!!!!

30-12-10, 23:12
Hi Everyone,

Hmmm decided to go out with my man to find some comfy shoes/boots, bad mistake, wish I didn't and stayed at home. It was like crazy out there so many people overcrowded really (well for my liking anyways). I suffered like several dizzy do's, really hot and sweating ( I know yak). And felt not right ever since, hmmm. I did try and carry on but it got far too much.

I had the same think like happen a few days before christmas, I mean the dizzy do's think its has something to do with lots of people and that. I was on my own that time, and I tried to find somewhere to like calm down and get my focus right, but people kept wanting to go in my space.

Not really sure how to combat this really, cos it just comes on like that feeling very dizzy so I can't focus properly and then really hot.

I think I will wait to go shopping again, until the crowds have died down.


30-12-10, 23:19
Always gets like that around the Christmas period, I havn't even dared to go out so well done you for trying! :)

I don't know how to combat either other than keep trying and pushing yourself and it will become easier everytime until you don't even really think about it that much! Expecting it to happen makes it happen 9/10 too so maybe try to reverse your thoughts and tell yourself it won't happen and it might not!

Hopefully this time next year you'll beable to go shopping with the Christmas crowds and not even bat an eyelid. x

30-12-10, 23:45
well done for sticking at it,,itcan be very hard,,had the same thing today while doing my mums shopping,,everyone was wrapped up in their winter woolies i was sweltering,,and very dizzy,,but i stuck to my guns mainly as it was mums shopping,,if it had been mine i might of been tempted to run,,lol,, i think you did blooming good dont be too tough on yourself

carla g
31-12-10, 00:15
i use to be the same i had panic attacks going into any shop but 1 day i had enoth and made myself stay in the garden center and it felt great after that i new it couldent hurt me so i pushd myself more and more i still have the bad time but it doesent bother me anymore x

31-12-10, 01:08
Anita you're a star :hugs:

You keep trying, that takes a lot of courage you should be proud of yourself. I'm sure there's a way to work on this. First off, very few people like battling through crowds, so you're experiencing something quite normal. Just need to figure out how to calm your reaction to it.


Chris xx

31-12-10, 01:11
Well done for trying Anita, it's rubbish time to try the shops at the moment. I;m sure you'll find things easier when it's a bit quieter. Don't lose heart xx

paula lynne
31-12-10, 14:26
Well done Anita for giving it a go. I agree, the shops are so busy, its hard enough at the best of times! You are a success because you tried, well done x :D