View Full Version : Flutter Flutter

31-12-10, 10:33
Having a bad day today my heart beat kept me awake all night. It just seems so loud in the night.
Today it is fluttering and I feel like I 'm having electric shocks, its horrible!
I feel so nervous today and I don't know why?????
Does anyone else feel like this for no reason at all???
I feel like I'm going mad :weep:

sad lisa
31-12-10, 10:37
Yes, i know how you feel. My heart feels like it constantly flutters, but I know it is just a symptom of my anxiety. It still makes me on edge all day and in a constant state of my anxiety. Just wish it would go away. Love to you.

01-01-11, 19:22
i feel this too. and i will never ever understand how i went for 25 years of my life without noticing my heart beating to now be aware of it's every thump and flutter. i lay in bed at night like you and i can heart it so loudly in my head. i really feel for u. but, you have to have faith that your heart is built to last and that if there was a problem with it you would struggle to do physical activity and your circulation would be bad etc. as long as u have had the all clear from the docs, just accept that it is anxiety and that you are not alone. it's the hardest things to do because our hearts are the foundation of our health, but gradually you will become less scared and this will reduce your palps n stuff. lots of love xxxx

Going home
01-01-11, 20:59
It would be interesting to see how many chaps on here suffer with ectopics and flutters. I'm sure some do but even though they get anxiety just the same as the ladies here, ectopics don't seem to be such a feature in their symptoms list...i'm wondering if it's down to women's hormones to be honest since there are so many women with this problem. Ive had them off and on since my 20's but there would be long periods without them in the early years, sometimes they'd disappear for a few years with just the odd one or two. Then they came back with a vengeance when I was pregnant and again with the menopause...so thats a lifetime of ectopics and flutters that i'm convinced are down to fluctuating hormones. Ive recently been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and am now taking thyroxine, and this is also a hormone right? So is there a connection? and are there more girls/women than boys/men with this symptom?

Anna x

01-01-11, 23:13
it happens to me all the time, and i convinve myself that im having a heart attack or something! when it happens to me i go for a walk round the house or put a funny dvd on. Your not alone :)

02-01-11, 09:32
The very best piece of advice I can give is to study these pages, learn all of the symptoms and side effects of anxiety, panic, depression, medications etc and learn to tell yourself each time you feel these symptoms that it is just anxiety, panic, depression, medication etc and in time you will just accept these funny little things our minds make our bodies do as just that and you will find that you just simply relax more through acceptance.

The best thing I ever did was to learn and accept and above all else to realise it is very much mind over matter...give yourself the tools!

Take care and happy new year

Going home
02-01-11, 14:18
Hi Caroline, yes we know that the symptoms could well be down to anxiety and nothing more...most of us are on this website for just that reason, but there is also a very good chance that for women of a certain age, alot of these anxiety symptoms could be down to a hormone imbalance and thats not beyond the realms of possibility in 40 and 50 year olds. Appreciate your idea of it all being in the mind and some things are...but you're not yet at the age where menopause just might be a consideration. This lady is, and others of us who have gone through or are going through the menopause are simply sharing the symptoms that it brings with it. At this age its always a good idea to have the test that measures the hormone levels for menopause. Once that has been eliminated then maybe we can all go back to adopting the 'mind over matter' mantra..:)

Anna x

02-01-11, 20:18
I did wonder about menopause. I am 40 and my hormones are all over the place, my periods are irregular and scant.

The last time my anxiety was this bad was as a teenager so may be hormonal related??

Perhaps I'll get checked out. Can they tell is menopausal from a blood test?


03-01-11, 00:30
I too, have the same issue! Infact, as I write this now, I was dozing off and could feel my heart beat, which in turn lead to me worrying and getting anxious, and everything developing from there! And I'm supposed to be catching a flight to Belfast in about 5 hours which isn't helping the anxiety!
But, just repeating what everyone else has said, its perfectly normal - if you've been checked out by doctors, trust them. It is only anxiety. The amount of times I've ended up in A&E for my heart was ridiculous, until I finally got a heart ultrasound, and it was perfectly normal, healthy heart.
And lastly, you're not going mad, never forget that!
