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31-12-10, 13:40
11th November last year i had the most traumatic day of my life which im finding very difficult to deal with and wonder if i need any sort of help..I was out on a walk through the local countryside when i noticed a young guy about 25 years old moving some broken tree branches around in amongst a clump of trees near the footpath i always use..we glanced at eachother and off i went on my walk...on my return half hour later as i turned the corner at the clump of trees i was shocked that this man was hanging from a tree dead..i was so shocked i couldnt even give the emergency services my location...even after this time I see this image of him hanging with his baseball cap on and find it so distressing,i still walk the area because i feel i cant let this incident stop me what i love doing..but if i see any young bloke in a baseball cap i relive the incident over again and feel like it will always haunt me..hope some one can tell me different because i feel it is destroying my life at the moment....thanks for taking time out and reading this...Mart

01-01-11, 13:50
Oh Mart that is awful.

Have you spoken to anyone about this? Offered any counselling?


eternally optimistic
01-01-11, 16:37

I am so sorry you experienced this awful situation.

It is quite likely you might be experience PTSD, have you been to see a doctor to have a chat.

It must be very hard to come to terms with the whole thing and I truly hope you can learn to cope with what happened.

You may need some counselling to help with your thoughts.

Best wishes to you Mart.

02-01-11, 22:08
Oh Mart,

That's such an awful thing to witness!

I can sort of relate as I was with my brother in the A&E when he died in severe distress (he had terminal cancer but his sudden death was still unexpected). He was crying out for help and the staff were wonderful but it took a long time for the image of his suffering to fade from my mind.

I found counselling helped me a lot and talking about it to my loved ones. It's really important to talk about it as it helps ''process'' what happened so you can move on. It's 5 years on now and that horrible memory has been replaced by memories of happy times with my brother, but for awhile it was the only memory i had of him.

You definitely need to tell your GP about this - please go and see him/her ok?



04-01-11, 11:36
Thanks for all your help and advice..I have made an appointment with a counseller and hopefully move forward