View Full Version : Not Sure What This comes under...

31-12-10, 13:47
Ive felt great from prev panic/anxiety attacks that stopped about 3 months ago..started to get palps on xmas day..put it down to too much rich food..then started to get dizzy..couldnt sleep with electric shock to brain as soon as i started to nod off..and just stayed wide awake totally wired..ive had panic/anxiety attacks before but never with palps and actual full on dizzy spells..read somewhere that multivits can cause palps so phew relief thought it was that as id just started taking them and fish oil capsules..
Now im nearly a week on..still getting palps..mostly when im sat down and rested(or is this when im more likely to be thinking about it) and occasionally dizzy spells that make me really think im going to faint following a palp..
Starting to feel really upset with it now and drained..only other thing is since getting the palps im burping a lot more:blush:even though im not eating diff now..
any advice would be great x