View Full Version : Face numbness

31-12-10, 15:24
This is a strange one,I recently started wearing glasses and when I took them off it still felt as though I was still wearing them across my nose which is quite normal I assume,but I've not had them on for over a day now and I've started to panic because it feels sort of numb across my nose and I'm scared somethings wrong n the numbness might spread what could it be I'm scaring myself now !!!

paula lynne
31-12-10, 16:20
Hi, I often get a numb nose after wearing my reading glasses. Its nothing to worry about, its just your skin getting used to having the glasses there, strange sensation but does improve. Make sure that they are not too tight and pinching the bridge, ask at your opticians next time your passing.

31-12-10, 16:22
What even though I've not had them on for over a day do you think that's what it could still be cos I'm panicking somethings wrong x

paula lynne
31-12-10, 16:25
Yes, dont forget, the nerves on the bridge of your nose arent used to glasses. If you keep panicking, and concentrate on your nose, it will make the sensations seem worse. Obviously, if you are concerned, see your optician.

31-12-10, 16:40
Thanku xx

11-03-15, 10:32
hi there i know this is an old thread but i just wanted to say that i am currently experiencing the same thing! Did you ever get to the bottom of why this was happening to you?