View Full Version : STD's and Insanity

24-03-06, 01:43
Ok, this might sound horrible but now I am terrified I have syphilis. I have never had an STD test and need. I heard this causes mental insanity and now I am terrified this might be a prob. For the first time in a long time, I am going to go and have myself thoroughly checked out. I am just worried that the reason my anxiety has been so severe and OCD and horrid thoughts could be due to syphilis. Anyways, I have searched the symptoms of it and it's like many other things.......vague odd symptoms but the one I fear is mental insanity.

Please someone do you know anythng about this disease?

My mom was talking about this and how this man ended up trying to kill ppl because he had this disease and did not know. all of a sudden, while she was talking, I started gettting really panicked and feared what if I end up losing my mind and killing ppl......this is terrifying. I try to rationalize it but since my thinking has been so muddled lately, I fear I am going insane. I do get horrible thoughts and they terrify me. I am so worried that I fear being alone now with my thoughts. Like what if I can't control it. Oh well. I prayed about it. I hope this doesn't mean I'm in the stages of utter insanity.

Please tell me what u all think.

24-03-06, 04:31
Hi Starlet and welcome to the site :)
Your mom must be a law and order fan like me. I saw this senario on a Law and Order rerun a while back. A man kills people and they find out that he has had syphilis for something like 20 years. At the end of the show he is in the mental ward for the rest of his life because they say they can't cure him because he had it too long. That is the TV show. Here is the reality of it...
Syphilis can go untreated but it is highly unlikely due to the fact that the second stage of the disease causes very unpleasant symptoms such as a red rash, fever, and wort like lesions on the genital areas. In later stages it can cause damage to the internal organs but , unlike in the TV show, penicillin cures syphilis at all stages.
You really should go and get tested!! However I truely think that if you had syphilis you would know it.
Hope it helps.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

24-03-06, 19:04
I thought I had it too lol, but like the other person said in the post, we would know due to the second stage symptoms - copper coloured rash on hands and feet in particular. Loved that Special Victims Unit episode too, it was old John Boy Walton playing the guy with syphilis LOL - I convinced myself I dont have it cause it would have shown up in my blood test or cervical pap smear

Anxiety Is Evil

24-03-06, 23:27

We home in on something to blame for how we feel and we dont let it go. Get yourself checked out to give yourself some peace of mind. I am sure you will be fine and it is the anxiety making you think how you do.

We are all here to help you through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".