View Full Version : I really dont want to do new year

31-12-10, 17:24
Hi all
As my thread says "I dont want to do New year".
This has been a fast year and it has been difficult at times - alot of times in fact! I have GAD (12 yrs) and my anixety shows itself with me feeling tense(all my muscles) which is exhausting and I walk 'funny' I tremor 24/7.I also get intrusive thoughts - usually about somthin happening to my kids for example falling over on the road and getting hit by a car. Yes I know its just a fear and hasnt happened but I experience the adenallin any way and it stays with me for a long time. I take imipramine at night and when things got to crisis 2 months ago i was given diazepam which i took x2 but didnt like it.
The worse my anxiety the worse the symptoms. I get really upset in supermarkets because people notice and say "are you alright" I know they are trying to be helpful but I feel embarassed.
I have lots of triggers in life - conflict between my husband & my 13 yr old son (from a previous relationship) is the biggest closely followed by low self esteem(im robust/fat).No sex drive and causes anxiety about the effect on my marriage.
I feel on a downward spiral just now and i feel that by doing new year Im signing up for another year of misery. negative I know but thats just how I feel.
Unfortunately I cant stop new year coming so im going to have to grin and bear it.
thanks for listening.
Sarah x

06-01-11, 15:25
Keep your chin up Sarah, I know its hard and from a fellow sufferer of anxiety I really know how you feel but I felt really sorry for you when I read this! I hope you feel better soon! xx