View Full Version : dont want to do new year

31-12-10, 17:29
Hi all
As my thread says "I dont want to do New year".
This has been a fast year and it has been difficult at times - alot of times in fact! I have GAD (12 yrs) and my anixety shows itself with me feeling tense(all my muscles) which is exhausting and I walk 'funny' I tremor 24/7.I also get intrusive thoughts - usually about somthin happening to my kids for example falling over on the road and getting hit by a car. Yes I know its just a fear and hasnt happened but I experience the adenallin any way and it stays with me for a long time. I take imipramine at night and when things got to crisis 2 months ago i was given diazepam which i took x2 but didnt like it.
The worse my anxiety the worse the symptoms. I get really upset in supermarkets because people notice and say "are you alright" I know they are trying to be helpful but I feel embarassed.
I have lots of triggers in life - conflict between my husband & my 13 yr old son (from a previous relationship) is the biggest closely followed by low self esteem(im robust/fat).No sex drive and causes anxiety about the effect on my marriage.
I feel on a downward spiral just now and i feel that by doing new year Im signing up for another year of misery. negative I know but thats just how I feel.
Unfortunately I cant stop new year coming so im going to have to grin and bear it.
thanks for listening.
Sarah x

31-12-10, 18:59
Oh sweetie, poor you. i get where you are coming from completely.

But new year is just time and dates.

Try to ignore the press and hype about new year, new you and what is round the corner.

I have had a rubbish 12 months believe me so I am a little hesitant too but I am going to try not to think about it and take a day at a time.

You are not alonexxx

31-12-10, 21:12
Thank you for your support

31-12-10, 21:59
Tomorrow is just another day and date. Us humans just make it signifcant. Days come and go why should today and tomorrow be any different??
Hope Saturday will be a good day for you!! xx