View Full Version : cant cope

31-12-10, 18:17
hello iam a 31 year old female from the states,ohio ,ive been a memeber for 3 years now.....i suffer badly with health anxitey,panic attacks,ect u name i have it ...i dont understand how it can last allday i feel like iam in a constant pa...allday...its tearing my life apart..:(..i went to dentist yeaturday and i lost it i was a mess as i hate going and i think thats what started it for me ...i woke up with tightness in my head and dizzy ness were if i stand its worse i cant bare these feelings anymore.....i keep haven sharp pains shoting threw my head.....ill name some of the stuff i thought i had and panic about in one day let me know please if this is poosible with health anx.....here i go....blood clot in lung,brain tumour ,a anurisum in my head and stomach,some kind of infection,i felt like i have the flu all time achey body ,i also have sharp pains shoting threw my body ..this isnt normal..iam iam crying i cant take this anymore.....how can it be this bad.....i can barley get up out bed cause iam thinking iam die....and i was doing great but now i took a turn for the wosre please help me

paula lynne
31-12-10, 18:28
Hi Jessica, maybe you are coming down with a flu? Is someone with you? If not, can you call a friend to come over? Make sure you are drinking enough fluid, as dehydration often makes headaches worse. A lot of people get the shooting pains in the head with anxiety, I know its horrible but it wont hurt you.

You are probably still really tensed up after suffering with panic at the dentist. You should now try to put that out of your mind, and well done for going by the way. Try breathing into a paper bag, and if you can get hold of some lavender, use that. Rest up, and dont be alone feeling like this xx

31-12-10, 19:01
Hi Jessica, I am feeling pretty similar to you but I have also felt like it in the past and I got over that period. My symptoms (pressure and tightness in head, dizziness, exhaustion, depression) are causing me to be anxious and my anxiety is causing my symptoms to worsen. This is what happens to us. Are you on meds or have you had any therapy? I'm going to ask to be put on meds on Tuesday and seeing a psychologist in a few weeks, hopefully this will help as I can't do it on my own.

I really hope you start to feel better.


31-12-10, 19:13
no i dont have the flu i dont think,i dont have fever or sore throat nothing ,and no caugh......can anx cause sharp pains in my body

31-12-10, 19:25
Yes it can, as anxiety makes us tense up without realising it and then you start to ache and get pains a bit like the day after you've been to the gym.

Try to relax, deep breathing is good as is relaxing your shoulders (think like you are dropping two heavy suitcases). Try also to distract yourself by doing something, even if it's housework or ironing or watching something on TV.

Flu can cause aches and pains without the cough cold-type symptoms too, I think you have just worn yourself out getting all worried about the dentist but now you've done that you will start to feel better

You will get through this just take care we are here to help if you need to talk...

What's the weather like in Ohio? It's grey and damp here in London!


31-12-10, 20:03
ty all