View Full Version : Just to say.......

31-12-10, 19:14
Some of us are feeling positive about a new year but many are not.

The next few days are just days, we can't stop them but we can make them special.

We don't have to have great expectations about getting fit, losing weight, going to the gym, finding the career of your dreams - that's just hype.

So here's wishing YOUR New Year is what ever you want it to be - just worry about you!!!!!
2011 can be whatever you want it to be too, look after the people who are good to you and forget the rest!!!!

Happy Hogmany to you all!!!

Hope you may join me in a prayer too for the family of Jo Yeates too, they are in my thoughtsxxx ( the girl in Bristol that has been murdered).

31-12-10, 19:26
Aww, lovely post! That's proper put a smile on my face now, thought I was gonna be a grumpalump all night. :D Thank you, Happy New Year to youu xx

Jo Yeates family are in my thoughts too xx

Hazel B
31-12-10, 19:43
That's lovely, thanks. Hope 2011 is good for you. x

paula lynne
31-12-10, 21:38
Nice post Ditzy, hope 2011 is a good un for you xxx:)

31-12-10, 21:57
Thanks for reminding me of that Ditzi :winks:

I always have those ‘great expectations’ for the coming year because the current one has always been rather a disaster, but they’re always along the same lines and always involve things I know I wont be able to do. After so many years I know I’m setting myself up for failure if I make similar resolutions again this year. But if I don’t, it feels like I’m admitting defeat already, and accepting that it’ll be a miserable year like all the rest. A sort of ‘damned if I do and damned if I don’t’ thing.

Happy New Year Ditzi... and everybody else :emot-partyblower:

Here’s wishing 2011 is a good one for all of us :yesyes:
