View Full Version : cant get rid of tingly/numb hands scared of stroke?

31-12-10, 20:39
Along with my back spasm today, bad headache and this scared of stroke lol.

I tried distraction but i still feel it and i feel tignly in my feet and legs to
im not over breathing though :(

31-12-10, 20:43
also im scared my last "period" wasnt a period. I felt no pain and it was light and the blood looked thin/watery and was light brown. It looked like runny dirrahoea :\

paula lynne
31-12-10, 22:02
Sorry it me again Emma....stress and anxiety can severley disrupt periods, sometimes stopping them, or making them lighter, or heavier.

You have posted several symptoms today, so I suspect you are hyperventilating even if you dont think you are, as you have seemed to have been in a constant state of panic today. I believe this is causing your tingling.

Youve got lots of symptoms, and dont seem to be coping very well. If after reading up about why panic and anx can cause these sensations you still cant cope with them and manage them, I really think you should see your gp to discuss how you feel. All these sensations are frightening, I understand, Ive had them 10 years, but they will not hurt you. You need to start thinking about making positive steps towards trying everything you can to help yourself.

I promise you, about 90% of people on nmp who suffer anxiety and panic have experienced what you are going through at one time or another. Try to calm down tonight, and I hope next year is a better one for you.

Take care, P x