View Full Version : Thinking about the positives

24-03-06, 09:52
Well given that we all focus on the bad things in our life I thought this game my counsellor used to do with me may be good for people. The basis of the game is that we post things that are positive in our lives. It doesn’t matter if it has been in the past or if it is something that is going to happen in the future.

Well I will start something positive in my life is that I have a job and my own company is starting to do well………………………

24-03-06, 09:58
The positives in my life are my 3 daughters, they give my life a meaning and they got me through all the tough times :D


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

24-03-06, 10:38
hey Robert,what a good idea..positives in my life are....my chidren and grandhildren,my partner and all the people i have met since joining this forum!Oh and i'm getting my garden done too!!lol mary-rosexxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

24-03-06, 15:39
I have a very supportive husband and daughter who are there for me all the way, and I can go out on my own. I know there are people a lot worse off than me. I wish them lots of comfort.

Jenny xxxxxxx

24-03-06, 15:40
My positives are My partner, our lovely dog who i would'nt be without whatever, & our up at coming wedding in August.:D


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

24-03-06, 16:19
sticking with positive people going back to church and my 2 boys and my family and that im well enough that i returned to work and getting over that bad pnemonia that kept me down for 2 1/2 months and finding this site and meeting new friends to laugh with..im very greatful for it all and myself staying positive its hard but im working real hard with it..Linda

24-03-06, 16:30
My teenage daughter who has been my rock and friend throughout and has not judged me once or loved me any less.


........life is for living not just for surviving

28-03-06, 15:03
My positives are my husband and 3 children. I also have a steady job which I'm glad I'm able to do


28-03-06, 20:01
Thanks for this chance - what a great idea !!!

My positives are my friends, family and lovely son, my dogs!!!! and my sense of humour - which I am determined NOT to lose!!!!!;)

Love :DPinky:D