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31-12-10, 22:49
I have pretty bad anxiety ranging from being in big crowds to thinking i have a brain tumour......

I just wanted to say i have been drinking about 5 cups of camomile a day! and it has made me alot calmer and less likely to have panic attacks, it is in no way a cure but has helped me so much!

31-12-10, 22:58
Thanks for sharing I might try that. :) x

paula lynne
31-12-10, 23:43
Great stuff, glad its working for you x Tastes like wet hay to me so I have a teaspoon of honey in it.........x (Ive never eaten wet hay, but if I have and forgot, it was an accident. Im not a farmyard botherer....haha):D

01-01-11, 00:53
I started replacing regular tea with cammomile, I don't know whether it's the cammomile or the fact that I'm not drinking 5+ cups of caffeinated tea a day, but I feel calmer!

01-01-11, 01:53
Hehe wet hay! Im glad you guys have tried it though! its nice to hear positive feed back! i hope it all works for you lot



01-01-11, 02:18
i have 3 cups a day then one regular at tea time ish! i do feel it helps me through the day, i just put half a sugar in to make it drinkable x

01-01-11, 12:54
I've never tried it but i'm going to, it cant do any harm can it. I get very anxious and panic every day so hopefuly this will help me too:)

macc noodle
01-01-11, 13:40
Quite nice with a slice of lemon in too.

I am a decaff/herbal tea convert and get quite anxious if I do not have plentiful supply in the cupboard.

My latest fave is green tea with lemon - quite delicious - and green tea has really good health properties too.

01-01-11, 14:40
There is no doubt that chamomile tea calms me down. I find Celestial Seasonings brand to be the best. I don't need a sweetener. There's also something really positive about doing something calming for yourself without prescription drugs. The warmth of the tea, also really good for stomach aches and lower GI gas. I would never be without it in the house. Very old remedy.

01-01-11, 14:59
I've also been feeling much more relaxed lately since I started drinking cammomile tea. I have a cup first thing in the morning and that seems to be enough for me.

01-01-11, 15:01
Do you drink camomile tea black or can you put milk in it??? I agree it smells like wet hay so have never dared take a drink and also I have haitus hernia and normally if I drink black tea or coffee I get bad heartburn but fine as long as its got milk in it. I can't drink fruit teas for this reason as they are really revolting if you put milk in them:D

01-01-11, 16:31
i drink it without milk and about 5 cups a day work for me!
also i have found taking berroca helps!

01-01-11, 19:03
About 18 months ago, after about 40 years of tea drinking, I went totally off it. I now drink fruit, peppermint and, of course, camomile. I feel better with it, and possibly without all the tannin and caffeine. For those of you who don't like wet hay (LOL) you can buy camomile (at least in the UK) with other things in such as honey. Have a look in the supermarket or health shop - there are loads of different teas.

Good luck!

01-01-11, 19:22
Do you drink camomile tea black or can you put milk in it??? I agree it smells like wet hay so have never dared take a drink and also I have haitus hernia and normally if I drink black tea or coffee I get bad heartburn but fine as long as its got milk in it. I can't drink fruit teas for this reason as they are really revolting if you put milk in them:D

No, I wouldn't add milk to any herbal tea.

24-04-12, 15:19
I used to use Celestial Seasonings as well, but a week after starting to use it daily my birth control pill got messed up and I was spotting... it cleared up as soon as I stopped using the tea and hasn't come back since. I did some googling (I know, bad) and saw that some people think chamomile can interfere with it ... probably once in a while would be ok for me but not daily ...

It's a shame because it REALLY helped me a lot and also helped me to sleep at night. Does anybody have any suggestions for other types of tea that may help?

If you are on the pill just make sure to check anything herbal out just in case.

24-04-12, 15:22
Hi, I've cut out all caffeine (except for a bit of chocolate now and then) and I've found that the different types of chamomile teas can add a nice variety.

I also have red bush tea and peppermint too, just for variety.

I also have to add honey to them, or they do just taste like dirty water (or wet hay)! :doh:

24-04-12, 15:29
I switched to De-caff tea and found it stopped the fluttery heart and flippy tummy, couldn't drink the chamomile tea.............Wet Hay isn't bad though!!!!!!!!!