View Full Version : feel sick cant sleep panicing

01-01-11, 03:16
i have a tummy ache and feel sick, feel awful, dh is drunk and started a conversation off about fear of death, ghosts/spirits and talking to me about my nan who died a few weeks ago, i have started to feel really really awful, she really suffered a bad death and i feel sad about it all...my nan was really good to me..., at the moment im all shakey and paniky like im really ill and now i have the fear of death...i dont drink or take drugs or anything im pretty much t total...i ate alot of sweet stuff tonight and im not sure if its is that that has made me feel ill or if i have caught a bug, i lay in bed all paniky going hot and cold...i want to be sick but have took a diazepam so dont want it to come up, just drinking water and shaking ALOT...oh god what a start to the new year..i just checked me email and i got sum1 complaining about an ebay item i sold in early november...i cant be bothered with it i just want to escape from everyone..im panicing about my lack of sleep as my 3 kids wake at 7am ...and im not good without sleep

01-01-11, 03:18
sorry to go on,.. but it helps to write it down on here even if it doesnt get read...i hate feeling ill

01-01-11, 03:24
I don't like to feel ill either. I have an upset stomach right now, not sure if it's from eating too much 'junk' today or if it's because I'm tapering off my Ativan. I get scared and panicky if I feel sick. I also get scared that my body is reacting to tapering the ativan, though my doctor says it is a low dose that I have been on and I should be ok.

01-01-11, 14:35
im feeling a bit better now, i hope u are too, although im not eating anything incase it makes me feel ill again, im just drinking water...thanks for your reply ...happy new year x x x

01-01-11, 15:05
I have been feeling the same. I drank alot of pepsi last night and woke this morning with belly ache which instantly made me panic and then the sickness started. Now I am struggling to eat because I feel so anxious.

01-01-11, 21:07
Hi.. I understand what u mean I lost my mum almost 3years in January 5th I used to get so anxious at night I would start shaking and panic alot I would feel really hot and my I would get stomach upset and I used to find it hard to concentrate feeling light headed I realised everytime I would think about death I would relate to my mums and I would become so scared and think I am going to die and I would get shortness of beathe and chest pains it is really scary so I went to see a doctor told me I suffered from anxiety so with time I started helping myself by belly breathing snd relaxing and staying calmn but I must tell you it's the hardest thing to do but just stay positive and be very patient that is needed because I used to think my anxiety would go over night but it's a process now it's been 2months now I think. And I am better I don't get shortness of breath I get chest pains not as much I find it easy to get on with my life it's no longer taking a hold on my life even though I still have my good snd bad days don't let the bad days affect you because if you generally think about it even people who dont suffer from anxiety jar bad days. Keep strong it's a really tough road but one thing you should remember anxiety gad is a learnt behaviour it can be unlearnt keep strong and also because I am a Christian I find that reading the bible and understanding about death and what happens after is the only way to deal with my fear because I believe in every word in the bible so I know if I die I am not dead I am just in deep sleep till Jesus comes and takes me to have entrench and reunite with the loved ones that had slept too. There shouldn't be any need of being scared because god gave us life to enjoy and follow him so we can endure more wen we meet again and live forever with no pain keep strong it's tough road am still going through it but I am better because god is with me and I am also helping myself. You will be fine. Keep strong stay positive xxxxxxxxxxxxxzz