View Full Version : Pain...please read..:(

01-01-11, 06:36
hello iam a 31 female ...well last couple days ive been haven lots of shooting pains in my legs, arms,hands,face,neck, and iam soo scread theres something wrong or iam dieing...i keep thinking blood clot and ...it throws me into a pa bad...i cant keep going on like this...its ruiening my life someone please help me:weep:......i have this atleast 10 or more times a day

01-01-11, 11:42
Have you been to a doctor? Are you on meds? All these pains can be caused by stress and anxiety.

01-01-11, 16:03
nope havent been to doctors for this .....as ive had it befor.but its realy scearing me i get them shotting pains in my hands,arms,legs,neck,ect...they only last a few sec but just woundering if its anx and if any one has had this

01-01-11, 16:17
Relax, lay on the sofa, take a warm bath, drink chamomile or green tea...Learn some few yoga techniques too, you feel as though you accomplished something which is a plus for your emotional health and your body will feel refreshed. If you're worried about blood clots, eat raw garlic or take a paracetamol, those help prevent them which will have a palcebo effect on your anxiety. :hugs:

01-01-11, 16:31
ty chrisk .....this has me down and worried.....i keep haven pa bad going to doc will make me worse sceard they may tell me iam dieing or something

02-01-11, 16:36
please i need someone to reasure me....

02-01-11, 17:56
Hi there

We spoke the other day NYE - Try no to get stressed, I think the pains you are experiencing are just tension and anxiety related. You need to try and relax, beep breathing is the best in for a count of five and out for 7, nice and deep and long. I truely don't think it's a blood clot or anything sinister, you're just a bit worked up.

I know exactly how you feel about going to the Dr - I have some problems at present and I really need to see a Dr but I am so scared of test etc. We are silly aren't we!

Try not to worry and I am here if you need to talk.

02-01-11, 18:43
Hi Jessica

I'm a clotter and none of the symptoms you've highlighted indicate clotting; the sound more aligned to nerve spasms due to tension caused by stress/anxiety.

Would be good to head to the doctors any ways. If you were dying wouldn't you want to know so it could be treated?

Lets put this in perspective, the likelihood is there's a 99.9999999& chance that you're fine and a 00.00000001 % chance there's something bad wrong.

Wouldn't you rather know once and for all so you could stop worrying about it?