View Full Version : Help :(

01-01-11, 07:06
As most of you know it's quite rare for me to make a post in here but I feel I kind of have to. I'm all over the place and don't know what to do :(

I'm at my friends at the moment and have horrific tummy ache. I need the toilet but I'm far to embarrassed to go and I'm having to listen to someone throw up. I need my meds but they are at home. I'm beside myself :(

01-01-11, 07:13
aww hun iam sorry u feel this way hope u feel better soon.....

01-01-11, 07:15
Ty jess just trying to focus on something to pass the time until I can drive home. :(

01-01-11, 07:21
ok hun thats a good idea u will feel better when u get home iam sure ,hung in there hun,,,,,

01-01-11, 07:28
I just need my ibs meds my whole stomach is in spasms.

I am seriously now thinking of not staying out at peoples houses anymore, as this is the second time it's happened in a week. Such a shame as I've come so far in the last 2 years :(

01-01-11, 08:58
Aww Fran - huge hugs - I know thats always one of my fears, feeling ill in someone elses house where you cant get to your stuff and own bed and comforts.

Just get up, get dressed, make your excuses and leave, if you tell your friend you're feeling rough and need to get home to take something, she isnt going to mind

macc noodle
01-01-11, 10:51
With you on this one Fran, it is horrible feeling bad whilst in someone elses home BUT do they know you have IBS probs? I am sure that they will understand that you want to go home and get your meds.

Hey Fran, if it were me and I was having a bad IBS day - I would just have to use the loo and be done with it - relax - everyone goes to the loo you know and I am sure your friends will sympathise (especially the one currently chucking up!!!!)

Whatever you decide to do - take care and relax if you can.

01-01-11, 11:28
i suffer with IBS too and theres nothing worse than that feeling of your stomach churning when your not at home. my IBS and my anxiety together have stopped me enjoying life and going out, like others have said you can always make an excuse and leave, im sure they wont mind, you can always rearrange to meet up with them another day?
Lucylou :hugs:

01-01-11, 11:56
get home as soon as you can wish you better god bless

01-01-11, 13:00
i'm home now, i calmed down a bit and even got another hours sleep :) laid off the tea and bacon rolls that were being dished out tho (gutted). thanks for your kind posts all :) time to go back to bed for a bit i think :)

01-01-11, 13:09
Glad you got home safe and managed to get your meds n rest Fran

Take care

01-01-11, 15:01
I know how you feel hun, i am beside myself even thinking of going out of the door at the minute :( hope your feeling better now x