View Full Version : Painful heartbeat

01-01-11, 11:24
Happy new year to everyone.

I haven't posted for a while as I had been doing well distracting myself. That's not to say I haven't been suffering at all but I have been much better than I was so had been observing ratter than posting.

The past few days I have been really short of breath and have had a heavy feeling in my chest.

Today I was just sat there watching my kid and u had a painful heartbeat. It wad a quick sharp pain. No irregularity I noticed, just a pain with it.

Now of course I'm freaking out again. Don't want to go back to the way I was but I'm really still concerned about my heart.

Captain Caveman
01-01-11, 11:56
Hi dodo. I know from past experiences of constantly analyzing my heart that it's a tricky situation regards whether to get it checked out versus learning to take a risk and let go. I guess for me it got to the stage where I was sick of living my life worrying non stop about my heart and what not that I started to gradually allow for the possibility that it could be a heart attack I was having/about to have and carry on with life. Bit by bit as you learn to not freak out and instead take a risk, you spend less time on fearing things and subsequently your anxiety dies down quicker.

Regards distraction. I am personally not a fan of it. Whilst in some extreme situation then fair enough I think everyone has used distraction as a means to cope, but doing it a lot is just delaying going back to the same old same old. You aren't learning to change your interpretation and reactions to thought/symptoms.

Anyway, bit by bit you'll be able to recover:)

01-01-11, 22:52
Thank for your response.

Captain Caveman
01-01-11, 23:03
U iz welcome. I used to worry endlessly, but over time I've changed my mentality and just yesterday I was thinking back to how bad I used to be. So we all can change. Don't put a time limit on things. Keep persisting.

03-01-11, 10:34
Has anyone any experience of this?