View Full Version : new year

01-01-11, 16:32
hi i have just came back from y sons house and wat agreat time i had there you wouldnt think i had anxiety at all i was laughing joking playing games and had a few drinks now im back home and i feel terrible now just going to have dinner and i feel sick now why is that ? :huh:

01-01-11, 22:39
Its place association. Its like if you have a panic attack in a particular shop for instance - the next time you go into that shop, you may have like a flashback and/or another panick attack. Its not really the place, its because you are sensitised/anxious and therefor your body reacts.. This is what often leads to agrophobia. Claire Weeks describes this very well in her books.
You had such a good time at you sons because you forgot all your worries/anxiety and let your body relax - its often the same when you go on holiday.
Hope you feel better soon.