View Full Version : Hi everyone .. new to forum

01-01-11, 17:58
I have just been diagnosed with panick attack's after having 2 very bad one's in the last 2 weeks & went to emergency dept on each occasion 1st they thought heart attack .. then stroke .. then hypertension after all the tests .. they asked what am i so stressed about ? i kept saying that cant be stressto do that, found it hard to take in that stress can cause such a horrible experience & a shock to my system as i am usually so healthy ,, or so i thought ... a big wake up call for me & looking back i see all the things that i was doing wrong
I work for myself in Real Estate at home with my laptop on 24/7 because the industry is so down at the moment you have to work so much harder & i forgot to turn off & take time out.. didnt go out unless i had to & started becoming a workaholic .. living alone & working alone & pretty much losing interest in the outside world, i live abroad so have no family around me so now this has happened has really opened my eyes & give me a massive kick up the a... i lived on coffee & was generally feeling pretty fed up with everything .. well now things will change. drink decaf,eat more regular / exercise & anything else i have to do to put this behind me, i have read so much on this & seems its a state of mind proccess
i bought Omega 3 & Vit B stress complex & on Lorazepam 1 mg from hospital which i am going to stop & get something natural that relaxes me
I would just like to share with all u guys that i have heard of panick attacks BUT NEVER dreamt it was anything like this , i thought people just felt a little panicky for a few mins & then was ok , omg i thought i was a gonna, scariest experience ever .. this site is excellent for me & others we can learn so much with your help .. so thks guys & would like to wish everyone a very happy 2011 :)

01-01-11, 18:02
Hi desres

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
02-01-11, 21:31
:welcome:Desres and glad the site has given you a handle on the panic. This will get better.


02-01-11, 21:37
Hi desres

I am new here too, but not new to panic attacks. I am so sorry you have experienced them too - it is just the worst feeling in the world isn't it?

Anyway, welcome!


paula lynne
02-01-11, 21:40
Hi Desres, welcome aboard, youre not alone x:welcome:

02-01-11, 21:42
:welcome: Happy new year to you as well, don't forget to browse the site for coping tips.