View Full Version : The Menopause!

01-01-11, 18:27
Is is possible to go through the menopause from the age of 40? I'll be 41 in July - if any of you have read my syptoms on here in the past then you'll know from the list below i've been suffereing with a lot of them but also now my menstural cycle seems to have gone wacky - when my period arrives it usually lasts 7days but i'm now into the 9th - still got this wretched headache n dizziness - well heres the Menopause list

Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling
Irregular heart beat
Mood swings, sudden tears
Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)
Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles
Loss of libido
Dry vagina
Crashing fatigue
Anxiety, feeling ill at ease
Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom
Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion
Disturbing memory lapses
Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge incontinence
Itchy, crawly skin
Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons
Increased tension in muscles
Breast tenderness
Headache change: increase or decrease
Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain, nausea
Sudden bouts of bloat
Exacerbation of existing conditions
Increase in allergies
Weight gain
Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body; increase in facial hair
Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance
Changes in body odor
Electric shock sensation under the skin and in the head
Tingling in the extremities
Gum problems, increased bleeding
Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste in mouth, change in breath odor
Osteoporosis (after several years)
Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier
Tinnitus: ringing in ears, bells, 'whooshing,' buzzing etc.


Forgetfulness, brain fog, problems with concentration and memory

Some women have symptoms during this time that can be very difficult. Some

Forgetfulness, brain fog, problems with concentration and memory

01-01-11, 18:44
I have just had a blood test to see if I am peri-menopausal as my periods are all over the place, I sweat a lot at night in bed and I can't sleep.

Apparently I am not though.

You could have a word with the doc.

I am being referred to a gynae clinic in Jan to see what they can do to help me.

It is possible to get the menopause that early though

Going home
01-01-11, 18:54
Adele, when you say here's the menopause list, do you mean all the symptoms of the menopause are on it or all the symptoms you have? If so that's a long list of symptoms that you have! Sometimes an underactive thyroid can cause alot of these symptoms too...ive just been diagnosed with it and now take thyroxine. Its difficult to know which symptoms have been because of the menopause...which I went through in my late 40's... and which were possibly borderline thyroid underactivity which can also produce heavy periods, weight gain (I was 11st in 2006 which was a comfortable weight for my 5'7 height but now i'm 15st 6lbs, so an increase of 4 and a half stone in 4 years without changing my diet) and hair loss, dry skin etc. You can gain weight with the menopause too though, because there is fat in oestrogen so when this hormone starts to fall, your body tries to hold onto as much fat as it can to compensate and seems to turn everything we eat into fat which seems to be imovable! As nicola says, you can get a blood test to see if you're becoming menopausal, where they measure the FSH levels, and i'd also ask about thyroid function while you're there, they can test for it with the same blood sample.

Anna x

01-01-11, 19:01
I went to the doctor with a lot of these symptoms 18months or so ago and was found to have Borderline underactive thyroid - which funnily enough I have just been diagnosed with that again and the symptoms are very similar - but I don't know if the thyroid can make your periods last longer - he did say he may send me to a gyneocologist about my periods being heavy but this is the first time they have lasted 9days upto now! some websites do say the Peri-menopause can start from age 40 because it can last upto 10yrs before you have the actual menopause:wacko:

am havin hot flushes that I call (one of my tropical moments) and palpatations as we speak and i've put my gastronomical probs and bloating down to the Iron tablets i'm on - I have to have an ECG and see a heart specialist next week then make an appoinment with my own GP once thats been done so won't be long before I can ask some more questions

01-01-11, 19:05
Adele, when you say here's the menopause list, do you mean all the symptoms of the menopause are on it or all the symptoms you have? If so that's a long list of symptoms that you have! Sometimes an underactive thyroid can cause alot of these symptoms too...ive just been diagnosed with it and now take thyroxine. Its difficult to know which symptoms have been because of the menopause...which I went through in my late 40's... and which were possibly borderline thyroid underactivity which can also produce heavy periods etc. As nicola says, you can get a blood test to see if you're becoming menopausal, where they measure the FSH levels, and i'd also ask about thyroid function while you're there, they can test for it with the same blood sample.

Anna x

No they arnt all my symptoms, they are off a menopause site but I think theres only about 6 of them I don't get, I have also posted another post since but you must have been typing n posted yours just before


Going home
01-01-11, 19:05
OH, we must have posted at the same time and you've now answered my questions lol!

Anna x

macc noodle
01-01-11, 19:24
Oh the joys!!!!

I am definitely peri - although I thought that FSH test could only confirm actual menopause not peri?

I have had a great (not) 12months of gastro probs, sweats, palpitations, massive panic and anxiety attacks (that I have managed to control for the past 15 years but are now back with avengeance) and generalised aches and pains - several tests down the line - all down to MY AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (49 by the way - heading to the big 50 later this year).

It seems a real bummer to me that hormones are going to force me to confront all my HA fears and white coat syndrome again because seeking medical advice is the only thing that is going to rule out any nasties!

It's great being a woman of a certain age LOL

Going home
01-01-11, 20:42
FSH levels are tested to see if women are into the peri-menopause, if the FSH levels are high it means levels of oestrogen are low and this test is often the first indicator of entering the menopausal years. Menopause is usually complete when you haven't had a period for about a year (post menopause) so there would be no need to do the test then as no periods would be indication enough. Before the last period you are still in peri-menopause. So testing for FSH levels at this time is fine.

Anna x

macc noodle
01-01-11, 21:07
Thanks Anna for that. Oh the joys hey of that period of life!!!!

02-01-11, 13:15
The bad news is that perimenopausal symptoms can last for a long time. I think I was around 40 when I first started noticing them - for me the first indication was a huge increase in migraine attacks because of the drop in hormones. I also started to get changes in my cycle; instead of being 28-32 days, it dropped to 25-28 days, with the occasion one that went for around 6 weeks (evidently these are periods that occur without an ovulation episode happening).

If I remember rightly, I started to get hot flushes when I was about 46, which unfortunately is a bit on the early side. They became unbearable after a while (I was getting 2 or 3 dozen a day), so I went on HRT, which I've been on for about 3 1/2 years now.

paula lynne
02-01-11, 13:24
Can someone help me? My migraines have definately increased, Ive got hair growing out of my chin (so attractive), had ectopic beats about 18 monthes, tingling in hands, feet and face, weight gain, had hot flushes about 2 years....my gp did an oestrogen dominance test about 12 monthes ago but said the results were ok. Im convinced Im Peri-menopausal. Im 40 end of January, and had periods since the age of 10 and half.

Although my oestrogen/progesterone levels were within normal range, I thought it was the levels in relation to each other that was the important thing. My Gp has just laughed it off basically. Im finding these symptoms more distressing than my agoraphobia by far. For those of you who are going through it/have gone through it, does it sound like Peri-menopause? Any advice gratefully recieved. P x

Going home
02-01-11, 13:42
Paula, it does sound like you could be peri-menopausal. The thing is that different doctors seem to have different ideas on what is deemed as borderline levels of anything because the range can be so wide, but while borderline might not cause problems for some, in alot of women it can mean we still get symptoms but doctors are reluctant to hand out treatment if blood tests don't show enough of a problem. As you know ive recently been told my thyroid is underactive, its not majorly underactive but enought to suddenly register in the blood tests, so now i'm taking thyroxine...but, i was also told that it was probably borderline for some time (ive changed my doctor a few times in the last few years due to housemoves).

Anna xx

paula lynne
02-01-11, 15:29
Thanks Anna. I might tackle my gp again about this in a few weeks. Also, my mum was on Thyroxine, so I will ask for a blood test for that I think.

Do thyroxine levels change at menopause? I was a surgical nurse, so my knowledge of this is limited. I obviously dont want to visit Dr Google to ask........and because my mum had under-active Thyroid, does that increase my chances of it? I wonder if maybe these things Im experiencing are to do with Thyroxine then. I suppose it may be a possiblity. My mum went on Thyroxine aged 45 if I recall........Thanks x P

Going home
02-01-11, 18:04
I think googling for things like menopause symptoms or thyroid symptoms is allowed :) coz it doesn't give any nasty info about either conditions and just gives the facts, and lists symptoms we more or less already know about and have! I think if your mum started taking thyroxine in her 40s it might be worth asking for a blood test to at least eliminate this. Having an underactive thyroid isn't exclusive to older women but its apparently much more common in 40s and 50s, and more women than men have it too. Problem is that this can be around the same time a woman starts with the symptoms of peri-menopause, so unless its tested for then it could go unoticed. I started having really heavy erratic periods at around age 44 and had my last one at 48 so for 4 years was in peri-meno and thought I was going mental, I had so many anxiety symptoms, ectopics going bananas, panic attacks etc. Now i'm told I could also have been borderline hypothyroid but alot of the symptoms are the same :wacko: so its all a bit confusing! Especially since thyroxine is a hormone too, so there could well be a connection with levels falling at the same time as oestrogen falling? Interesting.

Anna xx

02-01-11, 19:33

I started the Menopause when I was 40, my Mum also had it early. My first signs were night sweats , anxiety and panic attatcks (which was teh worst). I researched a lot as my GP was not very helpful. Luckily for me I asked to be referred to a menopause clinic. They did hormone tests and found I had was definely going through it. I tried HRT but could not get on with it. I also tried numerous supplements.

They told me that the symptoms can last for 10 years!!!!!!! Sorry but they can.

Any questions please EMAIL me as have a found out a lot of info.

Take care


paula lynne
02-01-11, 21:38
Thanks for your replies, I will def ask my gp for both blood tests. 10 years!!:mad: Ive only had ectopics for 18 monthes and feel like they are taking over my life......maybe I will do some research about herbal help...anyone heared of black khosh I think its called...anyway, first things first...blood tests. Right, Im off to pluck my chin...thanks ladies x

02-01-11, 23:25
Hi could i ask i am 50 and peri menopause.i take the pill my Dr said its ok untill im 55, i don't have periods because my mini pill stops these! so how would i know when i am in full menopause ? i have sweats moods chest pain all those things :doh: do any other women on here take the pill still at my age ?

03-01-11, 12:31
I was told that the hormone tests are not actually very accurate, as there is a lot of natural changes in hormone levels at different parts of the normal cycle, so it can all be a bit hit and miss, unfortunately. If I remember rightly, the ones that probably give the best indication are the "ovulation" hormones (FSH and LH) but you have to try and catch the test at the right time during the month to accurately test these, which isn't easy when you got into perimenopause as the rhythm of your cycle starts to break down.

As for when the "real" menopause occurs, I've been wondering about this one myself as I'm on HRT. I'm now 51, which is the median age for it, but I suspect that mine would have come earlier than that as I went peri when I was about 40 and my mother had quite an early menopause at the age of 44 (but she smoked like a chimney, which I gather can knock a few years off your reproductive life).

09-01-11, 15:50
What would happen if you enter the menopausal stage? Hahah! Silly me, But thinking that i might be able to encounter that stage, threatens me.