View Full Version : cold and flu

01-01-11, 19:13
hi everyone,
just wanted to see if anyone else is feeling the way i do. i had a cold a week before christmas, quite a nasty one but it seemed to have subsided and just left me with a bit of a snotty nose but i was feeling generally ok.
last night i was out for NYE with friends, and started coughing a lot. i had quite a bit to drink but have woken up today feeling really coldy again and have a really hacking cough. my friends i was out with were smoking but not around me, but could just being around them have set me off? it's stupid because before i suffered with anxiety a cold was just a cold, and never worried me but obv now im blowing everything out of proportion and am worried im dying (so melodramatic i know). i just need reassurance that others worry about the same type of things. it just becomes exhausting constantly trying to talk myself out of thinking there's something really wrong with me.
anyway, i hope everyone had a really happy new year and all the very best for 2011. xxx

macc noodle
01-01-11, 19:18
Hi there

Sounds like you do have one of the lovely viruses going around at the moment!

Take care of yourself - lots of fluids, rest and regular paracetomol and you will get better.

Take care
