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View Full Version : Head Worries again/tiny bump on the head

01-01-11, 19:27
Hi, Today i was sitting on the chair in my aunts living room when my 10 year old cousin bashed into the back of my head. Now this has me worried.
My ears have noe been hurting and when i swallow they pop. Also i have a slight runny nose again and pain in my nose and my whole forhead hurts and is tender to touch. Had this for a few days though. but the runny nose started after bash to the head (coincedence)? My GP says i have sinus issues. Also the top of my head feels funny to. And my nose is so painful. :\
I still feel faint and im scared of passing out from the bang to the head.

01-01-11, 19:30
also around my eyes hurts and they ache but i had this before lol and sometimes when i move my neck theres like little crackle sounds.

01-01-11, 19:41
Em.ma, yes your sinuses are playing up, but so is your anxiety - how's your 10yr old cousin feeling? x

01-01-11, 19:42
his feeling fine but his not a worrier haha. Im scared im going to have a sudden bleed to the brain lol.

01-01-11, 19:43
my headache is so bad but it was yesterday to and everything in my body aches and i feel sick haha.

01-01-11, 19:48
I don't know how to help Em.ma, except by giving some response to your thread. Take care x

01-01-11, 19:49
thanks- do you think the bump on the had is anything sinister? haha z

01-01-11, 19:52
No :)x

01-01-11, 19:55
thanks, I know i should beleive this haha but it'll proberly take more convincing haha. x

01-01-11, 20:01
Em.ma, I have enough trying to convince myself :roflmao:. You'll be fine x

01-01-11, 20:01
also when i was sharing the sofa with my mum today she kept on coughing and my head would lightly go back against the sofa each time

01-01-11, 20:05
r u having me on? :D

01-01-11, 20:06
im just panicking haha even if i know its silly things i shouldnt think twice about! :D

01-01-11, 20:09

01-01-11, 20:09
:D i hate it lol.

01-01-11, 20:14
I know, but what can I do to help?:):hugs:

01-01-11, 20:18
I just need to think the best haha. Doesnt help when i feel like i just chocked on air and started coughing now haha. :hugs::)

01-01-11, 20:25
youve got a cold, you will cough. Or...you're laughing that much it's making you cough:D
Just thought....I've put a song on my ipod (which I use as my alarm)...It's ' Good Morning' from 'Singin' in the Rain'. Listen to it now, and see how you feel :D

01-01-11, 20:26
it was worrying as it was a real sharp intake or air, then felt like i was choking then i coughed once haha. gonna go listen to it now haha.

01-01-11, 20:32
It's good x

01-01-11, 20:35
yes it is lol x

01-01-11, 20:42
BRILL!!! :yesyes: Try and put it on when u feel yuck - I have to remember myself, but when I do it cheers me :D. Has it helped?

01-01-11, 20:44
ps Don't tell anyone I listen to anything other than Elvis...our secret:)

Going home
01-01-11, 20:51
Everything points to sinuses Emma, and pain from these can be bad believe me. If your nephew had hit you hard enough to do any damage he would've knocked you out. If you havent got a lump (or an egg as my mum would say) then he can't have hit you too hard so don't worry. Even if you had a lump its nothing to worry about, i'm always banging my head on the kitchen cupboard doors etc...it hurts but its nothing serious. It takes alot to damamge our skulls. Any sickness could be the gunk that goes into your stomach from the sinuses, and any dizziness is probably because they are a bit blocked up.

Anna x

01-01-11, 20:54
thanks x haha.
I still have the lump from when i got hit with a stone 6 months ago but serveral doctors have told me i could have that for life and it wont cause damage haha. Still hard to beleive but ill try lol.

01-01-11, 20:59
Guess what, I hit my head against a car door yesterday and it had me worrying as well, I had a small bump, as well as runny nose but it's better now and it's a thing of the past now, consider the worst possible case of scenario : it didn't bleed, and if you were going to faint, you would have fainted already.

01-01-11, 21:14
thanks lol. the choking bit for a second earlier is worryin me to, felt so sharp and cudnt breathe for like 2 seconds then a huge cough lol.

01-01-11, 21:15
thanks garoon it does help x and i wont tell anyone haha :P

01-01-11, 21:20
Em.ma ta for the answer and you're def getting better with dealing with stuff!:)..take care x

01-01-11, 21:25
You have to hit yourself bloody hard on the head to do serious damage, and you would know about it, there and then.

I concussed myself - badly - six months ago. I was completely out of it, talking nonsense, bleeding all down my neck, got blue lighted to hospital, had a bunch of brain scans and everything. I felt sleepy and confused for a few days. Guess what? I'm fine. :)

My point is, if you would have damaged yourself, even mildly concussed yourself, you would know about it by now.

And it's harder to damage your head than you might think - people are surprisingly tough.

01-01-11, 22:00
thank you. that sounds awful, id of freaked lol. glad your ok and it was nothing more.
Any idea on that choking thing earlier, thats worrying me more now haha.