View Full Version : did i win or fail ??

01-01-11, 22:21
got up this morning and felt relatively calm. so i decided to round up the hubby and kids and go out shopping. the reason being after suffering panic disorder which crippled me and made me slightly agrophobic around 7 years ago.. i was panicking about getting in that situation again.
this current relapse im going through started 5 days ago and apart from yesterday its been a nightmare, this is why i decided to get out, before its claws got in again.anyways all was going fine, got the kids ready and then the panick/anxiety hit, we hadnt even left the house. i continued my deep breathing, positive thoughts but it still lingered. all round the town my mind raced apart from the odd moment when weirdly it would disappear and i would feel great, but as quick as it disappeared bam it was back. i battled on with the fight or flight scenario, even sitting in macdonalds with my fam. couldnt eat much just managed a few frys. i sat there with almost tears in my eyes but i managed to get through it with the support of hubby. eventually we went home and i just broke down in tears and had a long chat and cry with hubby. i battled on again as ihad to visit my moms with every one there, i felt more in control but felt crap, managed to get some salmon and half a tea down, still feeling sick.
at this present time feel quite good, just upset about today an planning another visit to the shops tomorrow, to buy some recommended remedies ive read about on here, i just hope i dont get so upset again tomorrow. with the kids back at school and me back at work on the fourth, i dont want to become agrophobic again , maybe its these thoughts triggering my anxiety xxx tina xxxx:ohmy:

Captain Caveman
01-01-11, 22:30
Howdy there. You never fail if you try.

paula lynne
01-01-11, 23:10
Sounds like a winner to me, you try...that makes you a winner in my book :D

01-01-11, 23:16
Definitely win! You said you started feeling panicky before you left the house, and you STILL went out! It would've been so easy to not go, or to give up and go home early, but you battled it out!
Try to see it as positive - you managed it today, even though you felt panicky. So you know you CAN do it, and you can do it even if you're anxious at the time. Tomorrow should hopefully be slightly easier, but knowing you can do it and you've DONE it should help!

Well done and good luck for tomorrow!

03-01-11, 01:10
A definite win! Relapses are just moments which prove how strong you really are.
You 'battled' these feelings, and you may have felt rubbish, but you achieved. You should be proud of yourself :)
