View Full Version : Back after a long break

01-01-11, 22:48
Hello everyone,

Some may remember me from earlier on last year. I was having trouble, I suffer from Depression and OCD. I stopped coming on here...not as a conscious decision but just because I became very busy with my new job and kind of wanted to forget about my problems. Keeping busy only keeps problems at bay for a while.... I was referred by the counsellor at my doctors to see a mental health nurse at the psychology department about my ocd and intrusive thoughts. When I first started to see her my thoughts were pretty much at bay and the last session we had she made it pretty clear that she didnt feel it necessary for me to keep seeing her as now the nhs are not going to keep people on the books if they are not in a bad way?? I felt very upset and a bit rejected because I know that my depression and ocd comes in cycles. When I explained this she said she took me on because of my intrusive thoughts because thats what she is involved in. I understand that but for me its much more about my intrusive thoughts which even she understands because she has explained to me that she feels I have issues which are separated from my intrusive thoughts and may be the cause of the intrusive thoughts.

Any way thats where I have been, over the past 2 weeks I have felt down and a bit upset. I think this might be because I have forgotten to take my anti depressants quite regularly lately but also because I feel my busy period at work has come to an end and a bit scared I will see it all again!

Thanks for listening or reading

Laura x

paula lynne
01-01-11, 23:03
Hi Laura, welcome back. Im sure once the meds are back in your system regularly, youll see an improvement again, and maybe youll never need the mht ever again..maybe the cycle can be broken...we are often stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Nice to meet you x:)

02-01-11, 02:27
Welcome back Laura, although I'm sorry to hear you're not in a very good place.

While therapy helps and for a time acts as a crutch, there will also come a time when we must stand on our own two feet. Perhaps missing doses of your med has fuelled your depression and OCD, and as Paula says, once you get back to regularly taking it things may improve.

Work on all the coping mechanisms you've been taught by your therapist/s. If you just let life's fast pace distract you there will obviously come a time when you're faced with the same problems because you haven't dealt with them - that's why it's so vital that you work on getting yourself better.

If you feel that you need more help then I think you should chase them up for it. Alternatively, depending on your circumstances, go private. But I really think that there is so much that can be done and then the rest is up to us. Self-help is the way I've dealt with my depression - and I remember you talking about books that you've read that have helped. It may be a good time to read them again.

Wish you well.

03-01-11, 17:20
Hi Laura,

Welcome back...have often thought of you and wondered how you were doing.

I think alot of us suffer in cycles.....I too have found that I have to help myself and pretty much learn to cope with it (I know this is not easy at times).

I had some counselling a couple of months back and found some of it helpful but really she was just going back over old ground for me and I know the triggers and causes but just dont know how to stop them yet. I think we all have to find our own ways to deal with them.

I like you have just come through a busy period at work...I am a manager in retail so you can imagine....and I too feel a bit flat. I have been unwell for a couple of days with a flu like virus too which has made me feel a bit low.

I guess this time of year is a bit of a low time for alot of us suffering with the things we do.

I think once you take your meds again regularly you will start to pick up again.....think of it as a blip hun...that may well be what it is.

Remember how far you have come and try to draw from that...in the meantime we are all here for you.

Take care of yourself.


03-01-11, 18:08
Hi Laura I'm sorry that you are not feeling so well. I understand your feelings that your depression and OCD might return. As a long term suffer of depression (in remission) I think that it would be good for you work out some ways where you can help yourself? Taking your meds regularily is a good start. If you think that it is necessary then try to set up some counselling for yourself even if it is on an informal basis. There are are many self help groups all over the country so there might be something like 'depression alliance' near you. I'm guessing that you are a tad angry that they are finishing your therapy abruptly without any follow up or call back? I would definitely go back to your GP and tell him/her that you have been left in the lurch so to speak. Best wishes and Happy New Year to you. EJ.

03-01-11, 18:11
Hi Laura,

Welcome back...have often thought of you and wondered how you were doing.

I think alot of us suffer in cycles.....I too have found that I have to help myself and pretty much learn to cope with it (I know this is not easy at times).

I had some counselling a couple of months back and found some of it helpful but really she was just going back over old ground for me and I know the triggers and causes but just dont know how to stop them yet. I think we all have to find our own ways to deal with them.

I like you have just come through a busy period at work...I am a manager in retail so you can imagine....and I too feel a bit flat. I have been unwell for a couple of days with a flu like virus too which has made me feel a bit low.

I guess this time of year is a bit of a low time for alot of us suffering with the things we do.

I think once you take your meds again regularly you will start to pick up again.....think of it as a blip hun...that may well be what it is.

Remember how far you have come and try to draw from that...in the meantime we are all here for you.

Take care of yourself.

Dear Jo good to hear from you. Unfortunately we have not have the 'Christmas rush' this year so I worry about the small business that I work for and whether I will have a job long term. EJ

06-01-11, 17:50
Dear Jo good to hear from you. Unfortunately we have not have the 'Christmas rush' this year so I worry about the small business that I work for and whether I will have a job long term. EJ

Hi Ej,

Sorry to hear that...I do hope that you do manage to keep your job....in these uncertain times it is a worry for all of us....I work for a reputable High st chain but you still never know....lets just keep our fingers crossed.

Take care and I wish you a Happy healthy New Year!!!!

11-01-11, 14:18
Hi Laura,

Sorry to hear you've been having problems lately, and I can understand you're worries, I think we all worry about the lows when we feel 'normal' , I am always here or ready to listen by email whenever you need someone to talk to. Take care :)