View Full Version : Air Bubble Feeling / Lump In Throat

01-01-11, 23:42
the past few night i feel that i have swollowed a BIG air bubble and its stuck in my throat and sometimes its hard to swollow????

i think i suffer from IBS and have an appointment with doc on tuesday so hopefully i will then find out...... as am always bloated, swollen stomach, discomfort n abdomen, trapped wind god the list goes on =(

but how do i get rid of this air bubble feeling in my throat i did how ever had a piece of chewing gum earlier can this cause this air bubble feeling in my throat x

08-11-16, 22:21
Did you find out what this was!
I have it!

09-11-16, 15:59
I get that sometimes when my acid reflux is playing up.