View Full Version : feel like my throat is closing up / cant breathe

02-01-11, 00:57
Has anyone hadd this? How do I help myself? I am so scared

02-01-11, 01:14
Very common with anxiety and very scarey.

Try this forum...


02-01-11, 11:46
i read in this forum somewhere that when we're anxious we tend to push our tongue up to the roof of the mouth, the automatically makes the throat feel tight, so check the position of your tongue. also, try having a glass of water. if you can swallow water, your throat is not closing up. this is realy scary and i've suffered with it too. also try the symptoms part of the forum, where's it's known as globus hystericus, there will be some advice there too.

02-01-11, 11:54
Perfectly normal in anxiety so no need to worry (which I know is easier said than done).

Just try to relax and sipping water can help.