View Full Version : heard a pooping sound on left temple were i got hit 6 months ago?

02-01-11, 11:49
Hi i was lying in bed and suddenly heard it, it sounded like something had burst. scared me lol

02-01-11, 11:52
I don't think there's anything in the temple that can go pop is there? Probably just your ears....booggers can do funny things :p

02-01-11, 12:36
If you are pooping from your left temple be worried!!!:D
Popping, however, isn't too ominous in my experience. I often hear pops and bangs in the middle of night and they are very loud and scary, but in my imagination. Could be that. Also, ears tend to crackle if they are a bit gunked up or if you got water in one earlier.

02-01-11, 13:15
dont tell me to be worried lol haha. I dont know what it is. But my nose aches so much at the moment haha.

paula lynne
02-01-11, 13:18
It sounds like part of the sinus problem Emma, your ears will be affected too.

02-01-11, 13:19
just read it proplerly haha. i suppose i shouldnt worry about it x :D

Going home
02-01-11, 13:48
Hi Emma, you're having trouble accepting that the bang on your head 6 months ago isn't serious and isn't causing you to have any brain problems. As has been said in this thread and the others, it does sound like sinus problems as your doctor has said...can be very painful, can cause stomach problems and throat problems (due to all the gunk being swallowed) can cause ear pain, head pain, nose pain and 'popping' sensations are common too. Your sinuses are tubes that connect most parts of your face, and when they play up alot can be affected. You are not having a stroke or a brain seizure. Your nephew banged you on the head 6 months ago and as far as I know you didn't need any treatment for it. You are fine.

Anna x

02-01-11, 17:30
thank you. also sometimes i feel a really strong pulse in my throat and i feel like im choking :\
and i get pains at the back of my head ( i think thats from tense neck muscles though)

02-01-11, 17:31
also im burping a lot with vomit in my mouth eek :S

02-01-11, 17:52
also got swollen neck :(

02-01-11, 18:52
any idea what the chocking thing could be lol

02-01-11, 18:56
Well having a strong pulse is good! Most folk would worry if they didn't have one of those :P

Swollen neck is quite vague, maybe your glands are up (hence the sinus issue) as you've a cold virus, maybe you've pulled something and hence the sore neck.

Burping a little vom could be anything...everybody gets that from time to time.

macc noodle
02-01-11, 19:45
Emma - you really do need to stop focussing quite so much on every little tiny sensation in your body and to stop looking for some extreme reason why things are happening.

Quite simply, you have to accept that you have either had a very snotty cold or a virus and all these symptoms are side effects which you are exacerbating with your tendency to panic or become anxious about them.

Trust me, I know it is not easy to be that calm and clear about it when you are in the midst of it but you really do need to at least try and gain some perspective.

If you are still bunged up try some steam inhalation (or with eucalyptus or menthol or vick in it) and drink plenty of fluids. If you have got catarrh (which you can even get as a by product of anxiety) it will produce all these horrible feelings around your head, throat, neck, ears etc etc - so it makes sense to try and break it up and reduce it.

I promise you Emma you will be fine - it will pass and you will feel better - it just takes time and,hopefully, then your anxiety levels will reduce.

Take care


02-01-11, 20:25
thank you. I find it hard not to focus on every little thing x :)
right now my left temple is hurting so muchhh and thats were the pop was this morning and were i got hit and theres a lump from 6 months ago. :(

02-01-11, 20:55
right now i feel faint, scared, and that spot on my head keeps hurting, im freaking out about anerysum lol

02-01-11, 21:36
You have a cold. You do not have an anerysum. If it was that you would be in a lot of pain and probably dead. You haven't been googling have you? Googling symptoms is very bad because doctor google does not have a valid qualification in the medical world.
Do you have a wise member of family you can talk to? You could call a friend or member of family if you are worried, you seem to be in a bad state of mind at the moment. Nobody can really give you any more help than they have already about this issue. And if in doubt, go and see the doctor! They will know best.

02-01-11, 21:50
thanks. it is really painful though but ill cope like i always do :)I dont google. I stopped my self googling a long time ago because it doensnt help :)
I spoke to my doc about anerysum two days ago and he said normally theres a family history of them. and we dont have any so im going with that. its just i hadnt had that pain were the lump is for 2 months and it scared me when it came back.