View Full Version : Sinus problems and frequent dull headache/eye pain. related?

02-01-11, 12:37
Hi guys...
Its me.. AGAIN LOL.

Since my 1st pregnancy I have suffered sinus problems.. I have no idea why it just occurred during my first pregnancy but it doesnt seem to have stopped and that was 3 years ago.

I suffer from headaches behind my eyes and pain in my nose- yesterday during moving bits and bobs around the house ready for my move, I came into contact with loadsa dust and instantly it started me off having a sneezing fit.
I also have the cat who sleeps under my bed and when I get into bed at night my nose is so bunged up.
Today my nose is running, I cant breathe properly and I have the dull eye pain again....
Is the headache definitely related to my sinus? I read about it online and everything points to it being a typical allergy headache but how can anyone be allergic to something every single day? I spray air freshner and I cant stop sneezing, de-odorant/perfume and I go into a sneezing fit.. if the cat comes near me I wont be able to breathe through my nose for days and will have this constant headache.
Sometimes my eyes sting and I feel tired with it too- heavy eyed if you know what I mean

Any advice for me as Im convinced its a tumour.

02-01-11, 12:49
Hi Jeanine

You don't have the symptoms of a tumour but you most certainly have the symptoms of someone who has allergy problems!

It is definitely possible to be allergic to something every day..unless you take anti-histamines or remove the cause of the problem then you will still have the same symptoms.

I'm asthmatic and have numerous allergies, Certain things like air fresheners, deodorants and the smell of some soap powders sets me off sneezing. The symptoms are very similar to a cold with headache, irritated eyes and general aches all over..it can make you quite unwell.

I hate to raise the subject but are you positive you are not having a reaction to your cat? It sounds like you might be!

It can be treated with medication but that does depend on how severe the allergy is..maybe your GP can arrange for some allergy tests for you.

02-01-11, 12:54
what about the headaches..... do you always get them with sinus issues? i do have a cat allergy but hes not constantly in my house and i never stroke him-

the perfumes, airfreshners though, they about kill me to spray.
Are you sure sinus issues cant mimic brain tumour?

02-01-11, 12:56
Well, one of the most frequent allergies is dust, and of course that's around all the time, so you would get symptoms from it every day. The most common symptom of dust allergy is rhinitis (inflamed nasal passages/sinuses), which would definitely set off headaches because of the pressure in your face.

02-01-11, 13:00
Jeanine hun, I can only give you advice from the standpoint of the symptoms you gave and I can assure you, they are very common in allergy sufferers.

Sprays are normally used in a built up atmosphere, we inhale them, it gets up our nose and we start sneezing. Any kind of repetitive sneezing will put pressure on the sinus and the allergic reaction causes swelling in the nasal area hence pressure hence headaches.

As you have acknowledged you have a cat allergy I will now tell you that I am so sensitive to any animal with fur I cannot even be in the same house where they have been, it makes me very unwell. You do not have to actually physically touch them as the allergen is in the dander, the flakes of skin given off by the animal.

Have you considered trying an antihistamine? If not hun I think you may need to consider whether you are the right person to own a cat as I fear it may be an ongoing problem for you.

PS. Some simple measures like damp dusting and not using spray fresheners or deodorants may help the situation a lot.

I would advise going to the docs for some advice though.

02-01-11, 13:37
I am exactly the same. I had a baby 6 months ago and this is the 2nd time i have had a problem with my sinus's. I had anti biotics last time as thought it was sinusitus.

I have a bunged up feeling then my nose runs, burning behind my eyes and face ache. Keep sneezing, its horrid. I sound like i am talking whilst holding my nose.

I have never had allergies before so never thought it could be that but might be the same for me.

I have worried about tumors and think its is in my nasal passage.

The mind can mak the simpilest of things seem something terrible :)