View Full Version : anxiety and panic attacks

carl phillips 1983
02-01-11, 13:06
:yesyes:hi there all im new to this website my name is carl i have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for just over 5 years so know how u are all feeling it is dreadfull feel free to ask me anything about your symtoms and if i can help i will.

02-01-11, 13:09
Hi carl phillips 1983

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-01-11, 13:22
please help. i'm new and not sure how to use the site. i've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression after a very severe and long lasting virus, possiblly glandular fever, although i'm 56, with hepatitis as a complication. Been ill since July.
I take 10 mg citalopram. this was reduced from 20mg after i suffered increased anxiety. been on it 5 weeks. Still feel terribly anxious and tense.
Constant tension in chest muscles. Can't get better, i'm losing any slight hope I had. Hardly sleep at night
Did everthing right yesterday, some exercise, listened to music, watched funny film, did relaxation exercises. Had terrible experince, waking up in night with pounding heart, pain in chest. woud have called ambulance but i did that 6 weeks ago but they sent me home after ecgs and a valium, saying it was stress.
GP seems to think because i had a couple of good days around Xmas, I'm on the road to recovery. IT DOES NOT FEEL LIKE THAT TO ME.
I know we are all different but I truly, truly do not belive that anxiety and depression can make me feel like this. I am crying in despair

02-01-11, 21:51
Hi Busterrufus

You have had such a rough time and for over 6 months now! I think your GP needs to know in no uncertain terms that you aren't getting better - can you take someone with you when you see him/her?

Sometimes after an incident or long period of stress, people get PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) - have you read about that? I'm not saying you have it, but in answer to your question, yes - anxiety and depression can make you feel as badly as you do right now.

I have had a chronic illness for 17 years (arthritis) and an anti-depressant is an essential part of my staying well toolkit. Without it I struggle to see the point of living, as daily pain is very wearying.

Please be your own best friend and go back to the doctor (could you see a different GP in that practice?) and get the help you need.


03-01-11, 19:47
thanks wendy.

i'm sorry you have chronic suffering and pleased that the medication makes things a little easier for you.

Don't know if the citalopram will do anything for me.

I think you have a good point about chronic illness tiggering ptsd.but don't know if the treatment would be any different.

Take care, wishing you better health in the future


Vanilla Sky
03-01-11, 21:12
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x