View Full Version : withdrawing from venlafaxine

02-01-11, 14:48
Ive been on 2.5mg of abilify and 150mg of venlafaxine for 4 months now, and ive been doing well on it, seen my pdoc and he said that after xmas to cut the venlafaxine down to 75mg (i thought that it was a bit soon to be cutting down).

I cut down from 150mg to 75mg 4 days ago and yesterday morning i woke up with all the old symptoms of anxiety again. Im so devastated as id been feeling so good and now cant stop crying as im afraid im on the slippery slope again. Ive upped my dose to 150mg again as i dont want yo go through the torment of anxiety again.

Was the anxiety i felt all in my head as id dropped my dose or has anyone else had similar experiences?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

02-01-11, 22:09
Sounds to me like you weren't ready to cut down yet! I'm on Venlafaxine. I wouldn't dream of cutting down my dose till at least 6 months!

You have to be ready to cut down!

Can make you anxious etc! Does with me!

mabel xxx

02-01-11, 22:11
thankyou Mabel, I agree with you but im just wondering how long this hell will last.

02-01-11, 22:21
If you've upped your dose again it wont last long at all. Couple of days at the most!

02-01-11, 22:23
thanks Manel, I appreciate your reply. I will try to stop crying and panicking that this torment is with me again.

any other information you can give me would be appreciated

03-01-11, 12:07
anyone else????